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22 Jul 2023

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The Federalist Papers: Alabama Republicans Seemingly Disregard Supreme Court Mandate on Redistricting Plan
Alabama Republicans Seemingly Disregard Supreme Court Mandate on Redistricting Plan
Alabama Republicans have redrawn the state's congressional map to include only one majority-Black district, contrary to a U.S. Supreme Court directive. Democrats are accusing lawmakers of voter suppression and disregarding a court order. The decision could have implications for Congress control.

Daily Wire: Thomas Massie’s Three-Word Response To Biden’s Latest Green Energy Scheme
Thomas Massie’s Three-Word Response To Biden’s Latest Green Energy Scheme
Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) criticizes the Biden administration's plan to update hot water heater standards, stating that these products already exist in the free market and government interference is unnecessary. Critics argue that the new standards are technologically impossible and limit choice. The Biden administration has proposed multiple new efficiency standards for various products, including gas stoves, which experts say would make them too expensive and effectively remove them from the market. Critics argue that these regulations serve the interests of the green energy lobby rather than benefiting consumers.

Breitbart: Exclusive -- Don Jr: 'I’m Torn’ on Father Participating in RNC Debate
Exclusive -- Don Jr: 'I’m Torn’ on Father Participating in RNC Debate
Donald Trump Jr. is unsure if his father should participate in the first Republican National Committee presidential debate. His father, Donald Trump, has expressed concerns about biased questioning and is considering alternate programming. Trump Jr. is torn because while he wants to see his father perform well, he doesn't think it's a smart strategy to give his opponents the chance to criticize him.

Breitbart: Labour Civil War? Starmer and Khan Battle over ULEZ Car Tax
Labour Civil War? Starmer and Khan Battle over ULEZ Car Tax
Labour Party fails to win a by-election, sparking a civil war within the party. Conservative Party holds on to the seat, attributed to the unpopularity of the London Mayor's green agenda policy.

Human Events: EXCLUSIVE: Vivek Ramaswamy says Biden administration will place Trump in jail
EXCLUSIVE: Vivek Ramaswamy says Biden administration will place
Trump in jail
GOP candidate Vivek Ramaswamy believes that the Biden administration aims to put Donald Trump behind bars, and he sees himself as a principled alternative to Trump. Ramaswamy questions the timing and legitimacy of the multiple indictments against Trump, suggesting they are motivated by a personal vendetta rather than genuine legal concerns. He promises to pardon Trump if elected president.

Breitbart: Poll: Majority of GOP Voters Support Donald Trump in Primary
Poll: Majority of GOP Voters Support Donald Trump in Primary
Most registered Republican voters support Donald Trump in the 2024 GOP primary race, according to a recent survey. Trump leads with 54% support among Republicans, followed by Ron DeSantis at 25%.


Spectator USA: How Igor Girkin talked his way into Russian prison
How Igor Girkin talked his way into Russian prison

Infamous figure in the Russia-Ukraine war, Igor Girkin, has been arrested for "inciting extremism." Known for his extreme views and controversial actions, Girkin has been a constant thorn in the side of the Russian Ministry of Defense. His arrest comes as a surprise to many, as his outspokenness and involvement in war crimes have gone unpunished for a long time.

PJ Media: Russian Soldiers Flee as Ukraine's U.S.-Supplied Cluster Bombs Work Perfectly
Russian Soldiers Flee as Ukraine's U.S.-Supplied Cluster Bombs Work Perfectly
The US-supplied cluster munitions are being used effectively by Ukraine against Russia's defensive formations. Russia has also used cluster munitions and retaliated against Ukrainian civilians. The moral authority of the US is questioned due to the use of these weapons.


Daily Wire: Ben Shapiro Shreds ‘Barbie’ In Epic Full Review
Ben Shapiro Shreds ‘Barbie’ In Epic Full Review
Editor Ben Shapiro delivered a scathing review of the new "Barbie" movie, calling it one of the worst films he's ever seen. Shapiro criticized the lack of comedy and the confusing political message, which he believed was designed to divide men and women. He also expressed his disappointment that a movie based on a children's IP ended up being "angry feminist claptrap."

The Imaginative Conservative: Good Music, Sacred Music, and Silence
Good Music, Sacred Music, and Silence
"Good Music, Sacred Music, and Silence" by Peter Kwasniewski explores the importance of music, from enjoyment to worship to silent contemplation. The book emphasizes the need for all three aspects in the life of a Christian. Kwasniewski, a philosopher and musician, provides a comprehensive and thoughtful examination of music's power and its connection to culture and spirituality.


Daily Wire: Jamie Foxx Breaks Silence In Emotional Video After Hospitalization: ‘I’m Here On Earth Because Of God’
Jamie Foxx Breaks Silence In Emotional Video After Hospitalization: ‘I’m Here On Earth Because Of God’
Jamie Foxx, the entertainer, recently broke his silence in an emotional video after being hospitalized for a serious medical emergency. He did not reveal specifics about his condition but expressed gratitude to his family for getting him the medical attention he needed. Foxx dismissed false rumors about his condition and acknowledged the tough road to recovery. He plans to continue working and asked to be remembered for his comedic skills and movies.


Fox News: Jets players get into multiple fights at training camp
Jets players get into multiple fights at training camp
Multiple altercations occurred at the New York Jets' training camp, with at least three fights breaking out. The first fight took place on the offensive line, followed by another on the opposite side. The second-year defensive players engaged in a third fight against the offensive linemen. Training camp fights are common as it is the first time players have collided in months.

Fox News: Florida A&M indefinitely suspends football-related activities in wake of unauthorized music video shoot
Florida A&M indefinitely suspends football-related activities in wake of unauthorized music video shoot
All football-related activities at Florida A&M University suspended indefinitely after release of unauthorized music video in team locker room. Video contained explicit lyrics and violated school's core values. Coach Simmons supports free speech but halts activities until further notice. Investigation launched into how parties involved gained access to locker room. Rattlers scheduled to open 2023 season against Jackson State.

Fox News: Red Sox fans take advantage of flooded Fenway Park during rain delay
Red Sox fans take advantage of flooded Fenway Park during rain delay
Boston Red Sox fans weathered a heavy storm at Fenway Park during a game against the New York Mets. The rain turned the stadium into a swamp, but fans made the best of it, turning stairways into waterfalls and the concourse into a pool party. The game was suspended and resumed the following day.


Red State: New Data Shows Hot Weather Devastating for the Endurance of Electric Vehicles
New Data Shows Hot Weather Devastating for the Endurance of Electric Vehicles
The Biden administration is pushing for electric vehicles (EVs), citing green policies and climate change. However, a new study shows that extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can greatly diminish the range of EVs. In hot weather, some vehicles experienced a drop of 31% in range. This raises questions about the practicality of EVs in regions with extreme climates.

Breitbart: Wildfires Continue to Rage in Greece, Authorities Announce Evacuations
Wildfires Continue to Rage in Greece, Authorities Announce Evacuations
Wildfire rages in Rhodes, Greece, spreading to the coast. Evacuations ordered for four locations, including seaside resorts. Over 200 firefighters and 40 fire engines, along with international reinforcements, battling the blaze.

Flag And Cross: ‌Phoenix Encounters Most Severe Heat Wave In 128 Years
‌Phoenix Encounters Most Severe Heat Wave In 128 Years

Geneva Seitz, a former resident of Philadelphia, has had to adjust to the scorching heat wave in Phoenix since moving there in 2023. With temperatures consistently reaching 110 degrees Fahrenheit or higher for a record-breaking 22 days, residents like Seitz must avoid peak hours, deal with high temperatures inside, and adapt to the extreme climate. Heat-related deaths in Phoenix continue to rise as the population grows, calling for necessary adjustments and precautions.