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America One News
America One News
21 Oct 2023


American Thinker: Government Gangsters: How the Deep State Imperils National Security
Government Gangsters: How the Deep State Imperils National Security
Kash Patel, an attorney and former senior advisor to Donald Trump, exposes the Deep State in his book "Government Gangsters: The Deep State, The Truth and the Battle for our Democracy." The Deep State is a group of individuals in government, business, and culture who undermine democracy for personal gain. Patel witnessed their subversion of justice and equal application of the law within government agencies like the DoJ, FBI, and HPSCI. He also highlights the politicization of the prosecution process and the media's role in suppressing information. The book serves as a call to defeat the Deep State for the sake of democracy and justice.


Le Monde: UK announces emergency plan to relieve prison overcrowding
UK announces emergency plan to relieve prison overcrowding
As British prisons reach maximum capacity, the government announces measures to alleviate overcrowding. Thousands of prisoners will be released early, sentences may be served in overseas prisons, and community service will be prioritized over short sentences. The increase in the prison population is attributed to a surge in sentencing after the Covid-19 pandemic and a lack of investment in new prison facilities.

National Review: Science Shouldn’t Help Men Pretend to Be Mothers
Science Shouldn’t Help Men Pretend to Be Mothers
In Brooklyn, Ute Heggen discovered her husband's secret life of cross-dressing and visiting gay bars. She later realized his "transition" was linked to jealousy of her pregnancy. In the UK, womb transplants for women without a uterus are being hijacked by men hoping to feel more feminine.


American Thinker: The Internal Boil Of Israel
The Internal Boil Of Israel
-Israel's intelligence failures may not be accidental, as some believe political factions in Israel wanted the Hamas massacre to push for change. The country is deeply divided, with a history of internal strife and polarization, and is suffering from a political fever caused by leftist forces. There is speculation that Israeli intelligence and top army leaders colluded to allow the attack, miscalculating the scale of the massacre. The only possible solution to the Palestinian problem lies in the hands of the Arab states, who would need to resettle the Palestinians in their territories.

Liberty Nation: War and Its Impact on US Politics
War and Its Impact on US Politics
The war between Israel and Hamas has impacted the strategies of the 2024 presidential hopefuls. Tune in to Liberty Nation's C5 for insights.

National Review: Hamas’s Friends in America
Hamas’s Friends in America
American institutions, such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), have shown unwavering support for Hamas and the Palestinian cause, even in the wake of recent terrorist attacks. These organizations, with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, have refused to condemn Hamas and advocate for the release of convicted terrorists. Despite receiving government funding, they propagate a message of hate against Israel and have infiltrated influential positions within the US government. It is up to Americans to decide whether to continue supporting these organizations or to speak out against their dangerous ideologies.

Fox News: Socialist Twitch star Hasan Piker raises $1 million for Palestinian aid
Socialist Twitch star Hasan Piker raises $1 million for Palestinian aid
Leftist Twitch streamer Hasan Piker and his fans raised over $1 million for Palestinian aid in less than a week. The funds will go to various organizations providing medical relief in Palestine.

American Thinker: Naming Names in the Middle East
Naming Names in the Middle East
Israeli General Nimrod Sheffer, a graduate from Harvard, advocated for Israel to talk to Hamas about a ceasefire and return of hostages, but most Israelis disagree. Hamas, like Al-Qaeda, surprised Israel with their success in attacking high-tech barriers. Understanding the language, culture, and history of the Middle East is crucial in dealing with regional conflicts.


National Review: A Ship-Painting Show, Filled to the Gunwales with Great Art
A Ship-Painting Show, Filled to the Gunwales with Great Art
A new exhibition at the Queen's House in Greenwich showcases the works of maritime painters Willem van de Velde the Elder and Willem the Younger. The exhibition explores their impact on English maritime painting and captures the stormy seas of the time. From battles at sea to ship portraits, the exhibition is a captivating display of their work.