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The Right Scoop
2 Sep 2023

NextImg:How Obama can protect Biden amid ‘influence peddling scandal’ and how Congress may still win…

It turns out that Obama has a say in whether Republicans in Congress get access to all the emails Biden used with his aliases when he was Vice President.

According to Jonathan Turley, Obama has 30 days to deny Congress access to these emails via the Presidential Records Act:

Obama is now being asked to bail Biden out from another debacle of his own making, going back to his time in Obama’s administration. Various committees and private groups are seeking more than 5,000 emails from Biden in which he used an array of aliases during the Obama administration.

Under the Presidential Records Act, Obama has 30 days to bar the release of the emails and to help shield his former vice president in a growing corruption scandal over the influence-peddling operation run by Biden’s son, Hunter.

The Hill

Turley goes on to explain how all the emails and influence peddling schemes, along with the $20 million in payouts to members of the Biden Crime Family that is at the center of this huge scandal.

But you already know all about that, so I’m going to skip to the part where he explains how Republicans in Congress can still win this battle for the presidential records, assuming Obama asserts his own authority:

That brings us to the confrontation with NARA. The agency could rely on the PRA statute to enforce the refusal of Biden and Obama to allow Congress to review the evidence. Biden actually is supposed to be consulted twice under the law: as the former vice president and as the current president. Both Joe Bidens are likely to have the same negative reaction to exposing his emails.

However, special access to presidential records is expressly allowed under the PRA “to…Congress” and “to the extent of matter within its jurisdiction, to any committee…if such records contain information that is needed for the conduct of its business and that is not otherwise available.” A refusal would deny Congress critical evidence into a corruption scandal and also a possible impeachment inquiry.

The added resistance to the review of the emails only adds to an already strong case for an impeachment inquiry. Such an inquiry does not mean that impeachment is inevitable. Rather, there is enough evidence to warrant an investigation into whether the Bidens were selling the illusion or the reality of influence. By acting under its impeachment authority, the power of Congress would be at its apex in forcing these disclosures and finding answers on the alleged corrupt practices.

The Hill

If NARA refuses to turn over the documents citing Obama and Biden’s authority, Republicans in Congress will obviously assert their own authority, which I expect will take this matters to the courts if NARA doesn’t concede. That could be the plan in order to push this down the road as far as possible. Hopefully it won’t come to that, but these people are corrupt to the core. Nobody ever said shining sunlight on their sins would be easy.