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The Blaze
The Blaze
22 Apr 2023

NextImg:Timeless Glenn Beck clip goes viral; striking parallels resonate with viewers years later

A clip from a Glenn Beck special highlighting government corruption went viral Friday, garnering millions of views.

"I don't know about you, but I am tired. I am worn out. I am fed up. I've had enough," Beck declared.

"I am tired of exposing corruption ... then once we expose it, nothing happens. Nobody goes to jail. Nobody pays for a d*** thing anymore."

Though the clip was filmed on Veteran's Day in 2020, just after the presidential election, many of the topics he addressed remain front-and-center today. The parallels were so striking and so direct that some commenters may have believed Beck was speaking of issues happening much more recently.

"If you and I did half the things that people in Washington do every day, you and I would go to prison," Beck said, illustrating his point with the example of Hillary Clinton.

"Good has been made evil and evil is made good," he also said, gesturing for emphasis.

"Our children are being indoctrinated with all kinds of crap," he added, noting that children are being told they are racists because of their race and that teachers unions are "out of control."

One commenter described Beck's clip as "the most powerful speech Glenn Beck has ever given."

Another called it "the best video you'll see all day!"

A third commented with a lengthy string of "100%" emojis.

Beck went on to discuss the loss of billions of tax dollars in Ukraine that involved "lies and collusion" during the Obama administration, when current President Joe Biden was serving as vice president. It is important to note that these remarks came long before the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine which began in February 2022.

And again, in an obvious parallel to today, Beck specifically mentioned Hunter Biden's now infamous laptop, his activities with with Burisma holding company in Ukraine, and his activities with his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, in China.

Beck called out the mainstream media for its persistent, overt, unapologetic gaslighting of the American public. In the clip, he mentions CNN's now infamous coverage of a "fiery but mostly peaceful" riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin in August 2020 after the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

"Yet if you support the Constitution, if you say 'I want a fair and legal count,' you're a radical. You're an anti-government zealot," Beck said, referencing officials who wrongly, and perhaps dangerously relegated antifa as just an "idea."

"I've had it. I've had enough," Beck said, wrapping the segment were he had begun.

He then mentions that he nearly did not make the show the week prior. He said he had wanted to express those same thoughts ealier, but if he had done so, he would have followed it by saying "see you later."

In case there was any doubt what he meant, Beck then threw his papers toward the camera.

Watch a segment from Glenn Beck's special that spurred the viral clip below.

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