Since the 1960s, a battle for the very soul of our republic has been under way. To win this long war, one must recognize the battlefield and readily identify the enemy. Our enemy is not the wealthy tycoon with multiple houses and yachts, nor is it the immigrant who recently passed the citizenship test and proudly waves the flag as a naturalized American citizen. It certainly is not one’s irksome neighbor who is perpetually consumed with keeping up with the Joneses.
No, the common enemy to all patriots across our great republic is the global leftist elite that despises everything we stand for.
This self-anointed malevolent elite group of individuals has patiently and methodically unraveled the fabric of our American tapestry that has bound us together for nearly 250 years. For more than half a century, this group has divided us along the lines of race and sex, dismantling our families, disparaging the importance of fatherhood, undermining our roles as parents, and encouraging women to eschew marriage. It has indoctrinated our children, interfered in our elections, picked winners and losers in the marketplace, told us what vehicles to drive, and tried to coerce us into genuflecting at the altar of the unrelenting religion of climate change.
These actions have been carefully concerted. But to what end?
The leftist global elite wishes to subjugate the lives of all proud patriots across our land. Although these elites' plans sound as though they are ushering us into a new dawn of limitless possibilities, their true goal is to establish a global feudalistic system in which their serfs — that is, you and me — will “own nothing and be happy.”
But we still have a say. Contrary to what the corporate leftist media would have you believe, American conservative sentiment is at record highs. Millions of Americans still believe in God and country. The fact that Americans are buying more guns than ever before and proudly displaying their love of country is of grave concern to the leftist global elites. They despise nationalism in all of its forms, eager to paint it as racism since it directly thwarts their plans for a no-nation global utopia.
The fact that we believe in free will, free markets, limited constitutional government, and personal responsibility deeply irks the leftist global elites. And they won’t sit still for it. “Soon at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack all the people,” predicted Yuval Noah Harari, the World Economic Forum’s house intellectual. “By hacking organisms, elites may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. Because once you can hack something, you can usually also engineer it.”
Klaus Schwab, the economist who founded the WEF, a “self-anointed” individual who had an epiphany of establishing a “new world order,” once said:
See, unthinkable, in many ways, has to become thinkable. And could become a reality. So we need good nerves. This new technological evolution, it can provide the entry card for you, me, our humanity into a new civilization. It’s not the robotization of humanity, it’s to make this earth a real human place. That’s our task, that's what government should do, and that’s what we are all here to work together to create a more sophisticated, more enlightened humanity. It can provide the entry card for humanity into a new civilization.
A “more sophisticated, more enlightened humanity” could hardly improve upon the genius of America’s founders, who, in the words of the great 19th-century French aristocrat and writer Alexis de Tocqueville, helped instill in the people a “passionate love for liberty, law, and respect for rights.”
Now that we understand who our true enemy is in this protracted war, we must remember that the true American patriotic spirit can never be tamed.
As we plan for the new year, let us remember to count our manifold blessings. Let us also do our part in reviving the untamable patriotic spirit by cherishing our betrothed, welcoming progeny into our families, proudly driving our gas-guzzling trucks and SUVs to and from church, honing our marksmanship at the gun range, growing our small businesses that are the lifeblood of our economy, and diligently undertaking the improvement of our health. For the day shall come when, like the Scottish patriot William Wallace, we will be able to stare our enemy in the eyes to let them know “that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom."