While many Americans were celebrating the holidays with their loved ones, our country reached a milestone that is nothing to celebrate: The U.S. national debt now exceeds $34 trillion.

In just 10 years, the national debt has more than doubled. Not only is this level of debt unsustainable, but it is growing at the largest rate seen in the history of this country. $34 trillion is a staggering amount of money. To put this in context, the national debt has now exceeded $100,000 for every person in the United States. Given the imminent nature of this crisis, continuing to turn a blind eye will only put the American dream further out of reach for our children and grandchildren. 

It is easy to point fingers, but both parties are to blame for our country’s fiscal condition. Policies enacted by both Republicans and Democrats—across presidential administrations and several congresses—have led to soaring annual budget deficits. In 2023 alone, the federal deficit totaled $1.7 trillion, more than three and half times as large as it was in 2014.

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