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American Thinker
American Thinker
24 Mar 2023
Andrea Widburg

NextImg:Non-MSM outlets are making a big mistake with clickbait headlines about Trump’s recent ‘truths’

Sadly, several non-MSM outlets, ranging from conservative to merely sane, are throwing out clickbait headlines implying that Donald Trump has physically threatened Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg or is literally threatening to destroy America should he be indicted. At a time when America is facing an existential threat to the constitutional system, they should be supporting Trump, not attacking him, and that’s true whether they like him or not.

Yesterday, Trump shared a link to an article from the National File, a conservative website. The article’s headline is telling: “Just 10% of Manhattan Residents Voted for Anti-Trump DA in 2021 Election.” It was obvious—at least, to me—that Alvin Bragg does not necessarily have the will of the people at his back as he pursues his vicious, anti-Trump vendetta to prevent the American people from exercising their choice in the coming primaries and the eventual presidential election.

The National File article has as its header image two photos. The first shows Trump, a very talented baseball player in his youth, holding a baseball bat as if to swing it. Judging by the tie Trump is wearing, that photograph dates back to July 17, 2017, when Trump appeared at a “Made in America” event in the White House.

The National File chose to juxtapose the image of Trump holding a bat in 2017 with a picture of Alvin Bragg. That editorial decision makes it seem as if Trump is swinging the bat in Bragg’s direction.

What’s important to emphasize is that the photo comes from The National File and appeared automatically in Trump’s “truth” sharing the article about Bragg’s unpopularity and lack of mandate:

That social media posts with links automatically include source photos is something reporters know or should know. You wouldn’t guess it, though, from the way the New York Post and the Daily Mail captioned their articles about Trump’s “truth,” with both implying in the caption that Trump created and published the baseball bat montage:

Screengrab from the Daily Mail.

Screengrab from the New York Post.

That’s an editorial decision made by people who know that many readers never get beyond the caption.

I don’t expect better, frankly, from the Daily Mail, which comes from a long British tradition of screaming headlines, but I’m disappointed in the New York Post. After all, it’s the outlet that broke and has stuck with the Hunter Biden hard drive story.

When it comes to the substance of another Trump “truth,” once again, the non-MSM media did no better. Here’s what Trump wrote:

Putting aside Trump’s colorful style, his salient factual points are:

Trump follows those facts with this opinion: Indicting an extremely popular, innocent president runs the risk of inflaming America, bringing with it “death & destruction.”

He’s right. America has already seen how the death of a non-compliant ex-felon with a bad heart hopped up on a fatal dose of illegal substances in 2020 brought tremendous “death & destruction.” In other words, Trump is not making a threat. He’s issuing a warning about the very real possibility that Bragg’s planned indictment will create serious civil unrest.

And having issued his opinion, Trump makes a rhetorical call: Only a tremendously evil person would take the risk Bragg plans to take.

Anyone who reads English can see what Trump was saying. However, two relatively conservative outlets chose to view it differently. Hot Air claims, “Donald Trump issued a thinly veiled threat….” The New York Post editorial board tells Trump, “Stop the threats of violence.” That’s just so disappointing.

For anyone who is not a hard leftist, it’s apparent that the Biden administration is a disaster for America, destroying its economy, erasing its border, damaging America’s position as the world’s reserve currency, unleashing violent crime across the nation, suppressing speech and thought, and that’s just the beginning. It’s apparent, too, that Democrat-run cities and states are equally destructive.

This is the time for conservatives and sane non-leftists to come together and back Trump, whether or not they like him because the attempt to criminalize him is a death blow against America’s entire constitutional system:

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It’s a shame that too many in the media dislike Trump so much that their prejudices blind them to the nation’s ultimate well-being.