Call it a sign of the times.
You don’t need to be a literary critic to interpret the symbolism of a homeless man encamped across the street from a Roman Catholic grade school with a sign offering “free fentanyl 4 new users.”
This isn’t a dystopian novel set in a bleak future. This is San Francisco in 2023. And it’s real.
KGO-TV reporter Dan Noyes asked the homeless man, 46-year-old Adam Moore, “Were you giving away fentanyl? Was that just a joke?” Moore answered, “No, it’s not a joke.”
If that’s not bad enough, it turns out that Moore is a convicted pedophile as well.
According to The San Francisco Standard, he “was found guilty of forcible unlawful sex in 1997 and committed lewd acts with a child under 14 in 1996.”
Moore was convicted of molesting a 12-year-old girl. After being released from custody, he then “[had] sex with a 15-year-old in Santa Cruz behind a set of bathrooms” at a beach, the Standard reported.
If you’re asking yourself how on earth a convicted child molester giving away fentanyl across the street from a grade school is even possible, welcome to San Francisco.
Moore set up camp across from the K-8 Stella Maris Academy more than two years ago. He says he has been homeless in San Francisco for 26 years.
Moore told Noyes that he gives people blankets and other supplies in exchange for drugs, which he insisted he doesn’t use. Fentanyl, I take it, is the street currency for the willfully down and out.
“You’re exposing grade school kids to this,” Noyes said. “This is not right. You know that.”
“No, no, it’s shallow,” Moore returned. “I only live by two rules: Be kind to others and make it look easy for children.”
Don’t let Moore’s “it’s shallow” non sequitur throw you off. It’s the very definition of evil.
Moore is a convicted pedophile but — in another head-scratching turn of events — is not considered a “high-risk” offender. That means he doesn’t have to keep away from schools.
San Francisco Police Department Capt. Chris Canning said, “I was told that he is in compliance with all of the components of … his sex registration,” according to KGO.
Don’t worry, Moore claims he is “innocent of all of the charges that I’ve been accused of.”
The police did attempt an undercover sting operation on Moore recently, according to KGO. But he didn’t have any drugs in his possession when the cops pounced.
Officers also tried to enforce rules against camping on sidewalks. Moore declined an offer to go to a shelter, saying, “I will never voluntarily incarcerate myself.”
The cops did ticket Moore on Thursday for an altercation he got in with a parent from the school. Moore, not to be outdone, filed a complaint of assault against the parent.
Finally, on Friday Moore was arrested on a probation violation, according to KGO. Hurray, right?
Not so fast. Moore ended up not in jail but at a hospital for a “medical complaint.” The cops then opted not to go after him. Moore was back out on the streets by Friday night.
Does that make sense to you?
Signs of the times, people. You might want to be hanging on to that Bible and those guns.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.