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18 Feb 2023

NextImg:Obama's Longtime Former Personal Doctor Speaks Out, And It's Not Good for Biden's 2024 Run

One of the taboo topics of Washington is about to be on the table.

With President Joe Biden apparently ready to announce a run for re-election next year, the health of the obviously aging president that’s been avoided by progressive politicians since his disastrous presidency got started is going to become unavoidable in the American political conversation.

And on the eve of Biden’s annual physical examination, scheduled for Thursday, a man who once served as the personal physician to former President Barack Obama has a word of warning — and it’s not the news the Biden’s re-election team will want the American public to hear.

In an interview with the Washington Examiner published Wednesday, Dr. David Scheiner, Obama’s longtime doctor before the White House years, said Americans could expect one thing for sure to come out of the Biden exam — a distortion of the results.

“You’re not going to learn anything. They sugarcoat these things,” Scheiner told the news outlet.

The examination already has been delayed repeatedly. It was supposed to take place before the end of 2022 and then in January.

Lord knows, there’s a lot to sugarcoat.

The world has watched Biden take embarrassing tumbles in the public eye, botch public statements on the national stage and even search a room for a dead woman he’d mourned — and these are just a few incidents that leap to mind.

It’s obvious that the first octogenarian president is looking every day of his years, and his suspiciously alert behavior on occasion doesn’t do anything to alleviate the idea that the man who holds the nuclear button might be better served holding onto his Depends.

Still, the topic of the president’s health remains largely off limits to an establishment media that would have pounced incessantly had former President Donald Trump or any other Republican committed even a fraction of the gaffes Biden has.

But with Biden showing every sign of planning to seek a second term in office — a term that would end when he was 86 years old — both his age and his medical history make his fitness for office open to question.

And in Scheiner’s view, the White House and the Democratic Party are going to do everything possible to make sure that question isn’t answered truthfully.

That’s because the most important element — Biden’s mental awareness — isn’t going to be addressed.

“The one thing they don’t check is a careful examination of the mind,” Scheiner said, according to the Examiner. “I don’t think any candidate wants it. They’re afraid they might find something.”

But in the case of Biden — whose health history includes two aneurysms in 1988 — there might be more to hide than most.

“Biden had an aneurysm repaired,” Scheiner said. “When you do work on the brain, there’s always a little damage done. He’s had that atrial fibrillation — that can sometimes throw off small strokes. They’re leaving [out] a whole area of concern in my mind.”

There’s no doubt they’re leaving that out on purpose. This is the Democratic Party, after all, the one that’s kept Sen. Dianne Feinstein in the Capitol traces long after her mental sell-by date. (The fact Feinstein and her office badly botched the announcement she is not running for re-election, at the age of 89, was sadly fitting for a woman who’s clearly well into dotage.)

It’s the Democratic Party that elected an obviously ailing John Fetterman to the Senate despite Fetterman’s stroke in the spring that led to a wincingly poor performance in his debate with Republican Mehmet Oz. (As disasters go, Fetterman won’t be able to match the pre-Civil War presidency of James Buchanan — Pennsylvania’s other disastrous Democratic contribution to American politics — but it’s a disgrace to the Keystone State’s voters nonetheless).

And it’s the Democratic Party that used every trick the COVID-19 pandemic provided to drag Biden over the finish line in 2020, despite his hiding out in his basement for most of the same year that then-President Donald Trump whipped a case of COVID and returned to campaigning virtually without missing a beat.

The party doesn’t give a damn about the person in a political seat or whether that individual will best serve the people of the United States. The party cares about power. If an individual’s heart is beating enough to warm a seat, with lungs strong enough to fog a mirror, it’s more than happy to prop up “Weekend at Bernie’s” politicians for as long as it’s necessary.

In Biden’s case, of course, that list of requirements includes a hand that works well enough to sign executive orders, so progressives can get what they want — effectively open borders, student loan bailouts and “green” energy travesties that destroy American jobs — but the principle remains the same.

So, as Scheiner warned, whatever Americans can expect to hear from Biden’s annual examination, it’s not likely to address the most important part — the president’s cognitive abilities.

It’s worth pointing out here that Scheiner has made these kinds of comments before. In 2019, he told the Examiner Biden is “not a healthy guy.”

“He’s not in bad shape for his age, but I wouldn’t say he’s in outstanding health,” he said. “Could I guarantee he won’t have issues for the next four years? He has a lot of issues that are just sort of sitting there.”

So, it’s been an issue for ages, which means it’s a topic that isn’t going to go away. And given the march of time, it can’t be hidden nearly as much as Democrats and their establishment media allies would like to believe.

Any mention of Biden’s health — and the examination provides a news hook for it — will call to the public mind the state of the president’s mind.

It’s no comfort to know the United States is led by a man of questionable morals, questionable patriotism and questionable integrity (not to mention evidently abysmal parenting abilities) — but knowing that same man is of questionable mental competence is even worse.

That’s not going to be good for the Biden re-election run.

The White House can “sugarcoat” it as much as possible, but it’s going to leave a bad taste in American mouths.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.