Mar 3, 2025  |  
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NextImg:United Nations Chief Warns Of Global Funding Crisis Due To US Cuts

The Trump Administration's agency audits and funding cuts have a wide spectrum of people in a panic, not just in the US but around the world.  For some this is not much of a revelation; it's been known for decades that the US taxpayer backstops numerous governments and NGOs.  Without US dollars many of these organizations (and some countries) would not exist.  However, seeing the beggars all come out of the woodwork at the same time to get their cut of the pie because the money is running dry is truly something to behold.  

Why has America become a cash cow for the entire world?  

Call it an extension of globalism or the incremental sabotage of the US economy, the bottom line is that the US is the wealth generator for hundreds if not thousands of political and financial entities that do not have the best interests of Americans in mind.  US taxpayers are investing in their own destruction.

Yet another example is the United Nations, which received around $18 billion total from the US annually (that's 20% of the UN's entire budget each year.   UN Secretary-General António Guterres has released a press statement calling for a reversal of funding cuts, warning that the organization cannot function without US dollars. 

“These cuts impact a wide range of critical programmes,” Guterres told reporters at the UN Headquarters in New York. “The consequences will be especially devastating for vulnerable people around the world...”

Last week the UN called the situation a "liquidity crisis":

"The President of the UN Field Staff Union said the Organizaton’s severe liquidity and funding shortfall has created a crisis that threatens the foundation of the staff’s work.  “UN staff — who are the backbone of this institution — are being forced to bear the brunt of these financial constraints.  Workloads are increasing beyond sustainable levels,” he said, urging Member States to meet their financial commitments fully and on time."

The US officially provides 20% of the UN's budget, but this is not the end of it.  As Guterres mentions, other governments are also, coincidentally, cutting funding at the same time as the US.  In other words, these governments get money from America then give it to the UN.  It is not clear exactly how much of the UN's operations are supported by American taxpayers, but the funding cuts promise to be quite revealing.  

Much worse is how the UN spends that money. 

The UN then exploits that cash to fund anti-sovereignty efforts such as mass immigration programs into the west.  They contribute to the humanitarian and national security crisis at the US southern border by distributing millions of dollars in financial assistance (including debit cards and cash vouchers) to fund migrants headed north.  The same migrants that have been crossing into the country illegally in record numbers. 

Keep in mind, the US taxpayer doesn't get to choose how their money is spent by globalist organizations.  They talk endlessly of humanitarian food aid and HIV prevention and refugee support, but they don't talk about bankrolling mass migrations from the third world, or promoting transgender propaganda internationally, or putting millions into the anti-gun rights lobbies, or Agenda 2030 and "Net Zero" carbon controls, sometimes referred to as "Sustainable Development Goals". These projects are where the money really goes.

The majority of the ideals and goals put forward by the UN run contrary to US values and freedoms.  It's an insult to American citizens to steal their money, use it to pay for project they would normally oppose, and then accuse them of causing a global panic when they decide to take their money back.  If the US government wants to support a specific humanitarian cause they can do so directly instead of using a middleman like the UN. 

America is not obligated to support globalism.