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20 Jan 2024
Former Agent

NextImg:Will The Left Succeed In Using Abortion, Et Cetera, To Keep The Border Open?

Abortion. It’s a subject I don’t particularly care about or focus on. However, it came up on a recent ski trip. The only reason I do care about it is that it might be the Democrats hope for electoral victory, and therefore, a blow against immigration enforcement.

The trip was useful in getting a pulse for what regular “normie” Americans are thinking. As people keep insisting Winston Churchill said (he didn’t), “The best argument against Democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”

In talking over drinks about the situation on the southern border, one small business owner from the Upper Midwest (he was more of a landlord from what I could gather) said, “But, we need the workers.” Yeah right, I’m sure Mayor Adams or Governor Pritzker would be happy to send him a few hundred of their migrants if this landlord would be willing to take them in.

One of the more conservative ones I talked to hadn’t heard about Marjorie Taylor Greene’s attempted impeachment of Mayorkas. I had to wonder if I was the only news junky around.

There was one Canadian woman I was listening to. She lived in Texas now and said some very unbelievable things. Her son was going to the University of Texas or Texas A&M (I forget) and the list of things her son was not allowed to bring to the dorms included things like popcorn makers (probably a fire hazard). However, they did allow handguns, because Texas says that young adults at public universities have the same gun rights as young adults not at university.

This sent her in a tizzy. She said drag queen shows were illegal in Texas. I tried fact checking that. First off, it was designed to prevent perverts from performing in front of children, and secondly, the law appears to have been declared unconstitutional.  

This Canadian was outraged that abortion was illegal in Texas. She wouldn’t shut up about it despite the fact that she was past the point of needing to worry about that for herself. “Living in Texas is like living under the Taliban.” I couldn’t believe it, but she actually said that. Hey honey, feel free to return to Canada anytime you want. No one is keeping you. Did this woman have any clue what it would be like living under the actual Taliban? Besides, if you really want an abortion badly enough, I’m sure a Mexican doctor would be happy to oblige you. Not to mention, we can’t stop fentanyl from crossing the border, how hard would it be to smuggle in morning-after pills?

Another woman I talked to was from Sun Valley, Idaho. She proudly boasted that she was from the one area in Idaho that was liberal in an otherwise red state. She too wouldn’t let go of the abortion issue despite not having to worry about getting pregnant for probably the last 30 years. She went off about how much she hated the “old white men ranchers” who ran the state. I told her that she made it sound like they were holding women down, raping them, and forcing them to carries baby to term. She retorted that they just about were.

I overheard another conversation at a table where a man was saying that things fell apart for Trump after Trump commented about the Charlottesville rally, “There were good people on both sides.” This idiot had never heard the full Trump quote apparently in which Trump expressly said he was not including “the Neo-Nazis and the White Nationalists.”

He must have also managed to ignore the Trump Russia Collusion Hoax. The establishment was trying to take down Trump from day one.

The Charlottesville misquote was just one more example of the propaganda.

Clip of Trump speaking:  You had people—and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally—but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly …

John Derbyshire calls this the “Fine People Lie.”

The left is going to be screaming about abortion and climate change while everyone who is against open borders is called RACIST, over and over again.