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21 Oct 2023
Steve Sailer

NextImg:Mansplaining: Apparently, Men LISTEN When Explained To, Without Complaining...Because They're Interested In Stuff

As a man, I’ve probably been mansplained to more than 98% of women have, precisely because men sense that I may very well be interested in their extremely detailed explanations of things of zero concern to me personally.

Which I often am.

Perhaps mansplaining is the fault of guys like me because we tend to be interested in mansplanations more than girls are?

That said, please don’t expect me to read every bit of your mansplanation of the mechanics of the phenomenon known as mansplaining. I’ll probably just scan it for bad words and then hit “Approve” a frustrating 17 hours after you posted it but thirty seconds before you finally post a comment complaining about my delay as a proof of an insidious conspiracy to cover up the Mansplanation Conspiracy.

In truth, I was just busy.

[Mansplain at]