Well, well, well, if it isn't 'The New York Times' publishing a truthful opinion piece on some of the things that went wrong during COVID.
“Some pandemic mistakes were inevitable… But others betrayed an ideological intransigence. The obvious example was long-term school closures, mostly in blue states, which we now know caused significant delays in learning, especially among the most vulnerable populations with the fewest resources. In many places during the pandemic, to suggest that kids might suffer learning loss or social and emotional consequences was tantamount to wishing death upon teachers. Forbidding socializing among young children denied them the development of social skills, yet to advocate otherwise could get you kicked out of a parent group chat [or worse, you might lose your job]”
Yes, long term school closures did harm the most vulnerable populations the most. It's almost like conservatives have been saying this since mid 2020. What a concept!
Exactly. This feels a little late, honestly. This is called 'a day late and a dollar short'.
The battle is mostly won, but it's ok to gloat a bit.
Those are the people who gave up careers, friends and respect to stand up for voiceless in America.
Admitting you were wrong four years after the fact seems less hard and more an attempt to save face, but we'll take it.