Feb 16, 2025  |  
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20 Jan 2024

NextImg:That's a High School Boy, Baby! Male 'Athlete' Scoring YUGE Points In California Girl's Basketball League

There is something amazing happening in girl's basketball in San Francisco. A player is scoring tons of points and it is impressive to watch. The player is a boy. Yes, a boy playing girl's basketball is scoring 1/3 of the team's points. Isn't that amazing? Eyeroll.

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I'm sure this is just about Henry feeling like a girl and not the fact that he clearly wouldn't make any high school boy's basketball team.

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It's almost like it's science or something.

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Exactly. Just say that the top male player at your school feels like a girl just that day. Gender is a binary so feelings can change.

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The sane folks living right now think this is nuts. it is a good way to get a college scholarship for your faux athletic male son. Tell him he's a girl, put him in girl's basketball and get a scholarship as a girl's player because he's a phenom. Save on those student loans.

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That last line sums it up, honestly.

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Isn't that the truth.

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This! Either gender matters in sports or it does not. Period. Enough with the charades. Let's just take sports away from girls and get it over with.

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