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18 Nov 2023

NextImg:Migrants Rush Border Wall in Attempt to Gain Asylum/Work... in Spain

New footage of migrants trying to force their way across the border has been released, but this time the migrants aren't from South America and the border isn't the US one. See:

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This isn't a new issue for the Spanish enclave, as Ceuta has seen repeated attempts by migrants from the sub-Saraha to breach or circumvent the massive border wall that the Spanish Government installed (despite the objections of the Moroccan government) in 1993. The Ceuta border is one of the only land borders Europe shares with an African nation so it's seen by many as a relatively easy to get into a European Union nation to file an asylum claim... surely easier than attempting to make your way in a boat across the Mediterranean, which carries a lot of risk. As recently as 2021 at least 6000 migrants forced their way onto European soil by swimming around the border fence at low tide.

It's always nice to know that some of the problems that we think of as being entirely unique to America are shared by other countries too, at least.

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Weird, right? No note yet on whether the Spanish are keeping 'kids in cages', but we're sure AOC will be heading down to investigate any day now.

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In fairness this wall seems to be about as hot-button an issue within Spain and between the Spanish and Moroccan governments as the US/Mexico border wall (such as it is) is within America and between the US and Mexico. The Moroccan government would very much prefer to have Spain leave the African continent entirely and cede the land to them, which is an added twist in this story... although we've no doubt that Mexico would like it just fine if we turned Texas over to them, something that the US is about as likely to do as Spain it to turn over Ceuta.

This is all a reminder that despite news coverage at home, the US is not the only country in the world struggling with migration issues and how to handle them. We get all the press, but it's a global problem that looks to only cause more and more strain on the relationship between the 'west' and its neighbors as time passes.

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