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29 Apr 2023

NextImg:MAKE IT STOP: Transabled people choose to identify as handicapped - some mutilate their bodies

This is not the first time we’ve seen the idea that people can be ‘transabled’. The condition has been known as Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) in the medical community for about 10 years.

It’s not surprising the topic is surfacing again, given the current popular push to normalize transgenderism. The transabled would like to capitalize on that energy.

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But nobody would entertain the idea of mutilating the body of a perfectly healthy person because they feel their body does not match their perceived identity, right?

This is the present insanity we find ourselves in. If you ask nearly anyone if a doctor should amputate the leg from a healthy body because the person identifies as ‘transabled’, the vast majority of people will recoil in disbelief and say ‘absolutely not!’

Poll the same population about whether a doctor should remove the penis from a 15-year-old transgender boy, and you’re going to be met with way too many people who say ‘yes’ or hem and haw around the question to avoid being labeled a ‘bigot’.

Like we said: insane.

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That was our first reaction as well, but hey, if people can be ‘born into the wrong body’ who’s to say that body couldn’t be a healthy body when it should have been a disabled body.

This is the problem with the destruction of ideals. You can’t tell other people they can’t play too.

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We might add ‘selfishness’, and none of us our immune. Social media is the most prevalent manifestation. We all feel we should be heard or seen.

Next, we see the American Idol wannabes who should be legally barred from ever singing another note because their voices are cruel to pets within a 2-block radius. The feel, however, they were born to be a singing star, and are often enabled by people in their lives who affirm that falsehood.

We all have our delusions. Heck, this editor identifies as moderately funny. Transfunny?

The transgendered and transabled are on the extreme end of this spectrum.

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Who would have thought we’d end up here?

Literally everyone who was screeched at for uttering the words ‘slippery slope’, that’s who.

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Again, the parallels are astounding. This is, of course, exactly right. The idea of identifying as handicapped or intentionally mutilating your body to ‘become’ handicapped is disgusting and disgraceful. It’s cruel and dismissive of people who are actually handicapped.

Make that argument today about women and transgenderism, however, and you will be shouted down and labeled faster than AOC can find a camera in a crowd.

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The logic checks out.

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This is why a small group of people are pushing the ‘transabled’ moniker over BIID.

We used to discuss ‘gender dysphoria’, but that sounds too much like a malfunction (it is) than a perfectly healthy ‘identity’.

The politeness of the general public has been weaponized against them to normalize the abnormal.

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What a radical idea. LOL.

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Why not?

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So far, the medical community has, rightly, avoided succumbing to this insanity, but there was a Scottish doctor in the 1990’s who performed some amputations.

But why should we draw the line at amputation of limbs if we won’t draw it at amputation of genitals?

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There’s no bottom here, folks. We’re either going to accept that things are what they are, or we have to normalize the denial of reality – and that would be a huge mistake.

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Yes. Please stop.

Editor’s Note: Do you enjoy Twitchy’s conservative reporting taking on the radical left and woke media? Support our work so that we can continue to bring you the truth. Join Twitchy VIP and use the promo code SAVEAMERICA to get 40% off your VIP membership!