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15 Apr 2023

NextImg:Katie Porter CRUSHED by Piers Morgan and Bill Maher after slamming Riley Gaines on women's sports

Representative Katie Porter appeared on Bill Maher’s show and smeared Riley Gaines, an activist defending women’s sports. Porter, who relentlessly shoves her mug into any camera within her general vicinity, claimed that Riley was only standing up for women’s sports to get ‘likes’ and ‘clicks’.

Gotta defend those men who are manhandling women in various sports competitions across the country, eh Katie?

Fellow guest, Piers Morgan, ignored the insult and jumped straight to the heart of the matter, asking Porter ‘What do you disagree with … ?’

The pausing Porter spluttered out a perfectly pathetic pander, stating that governing bodies of individual sports need to decide.

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What a pathetically weak answer from the woman Democrats hail as a fighter.

Porter is fine with women getting pulverized by men, as long as a committee says it’s okay. She’s also too scared of offending women to go all-in for the trans activist position.

A real champion for women you’ve got there, Dems.

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Porter then tried to claim Riley Gaines is standing up for herself, as though this is all about her own selfishness. Has she ever considered the selfishness required for a man with a male body, a male frame, male height, and male muscles to jump into a swimming pool next to women and pretend it’s fair?

Piers Morgan wasn’t having it. ‘I think she’s speaking up for pretty much every female athlete in the world’, he replied to applause from the audience.

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The Democrat Party has spent so much time trying to force the notion that female empowerment is solely based on their ability to kill their unborn offspring that your average Democrat politician can’t recognize a basic issue of women’s fairness if it’s right in front of their faces – wiggling its Speedo-covered man parts.

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She did. Maher weighed in next, reminding everyone that the entire point of Title IX was to force equality in support of men’s and women’s sports. People like Porter are now trying to undo those protections by blurring the lines between men’s and women’s sports.

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What a fighter. Pffffttttt!

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Good point. LOL.

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We’re sorry. We had to see it again, so you do too. You can borrow our eye bleach.

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It’s an amazing thing to witness.

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This is why we love Jim Treacher. He’s a problem solver.

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