Mar 3, 2025  |  
 | Remer,MN
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Amy Curtis

NextImg:John Harwood Removes All Doubt About How Democrats REALLY Feel About People Who Break Cycle of Poverty

After President Donald Trump selected J.D. Vance as his running mate, the Left made it very clear how they felt about Vance's impoverished upbringing and his rise out of Appalachia. They derided him as 'weird' and said he 'ran away' from Ohio to attend Yale, which isn't true.

The reality is that the Democrats' form of governance depends on people being and staying poor, and when someone does manage to break out of that cycle of poverty, Democrats are livid if they don't turn into a Left-wing lunatic, just like them.

Enter insufferable douche-nozzle John Harwood:

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Husband, father, Senator from Ohio.

Of all the candidates in 2024, Vance was the only one to end the campaign with a positive favorability rating.

But 'wretched.'

Sure, John.

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Gotta get those clicks.

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Just a bitter, partisan, so-called 'journalist.'

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Whether or not they're 'wretched' depends on how Harwood feels about their political views.

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Nope. Not a day.

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Democrats are vile.

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Incredibly revealing.

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Harwood is incredibly gross.

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A 'Rick and Morty' reference is always appropriate.

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More than that, if you don't think like they do, you deserve to remain poor.

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This is exactly what Harwood's comment is about.

J.D. Vance rejects Leftists, and they hate the fact he rose out of poverty to attend Yale. They think that's a privilege only they -- and their like-minded comrades -- should be allowed to have.