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24 Feb 2024
Amy Curtis

NextImg:Desperate: Charles CW Cooke Blasts Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness

We've written quite a bit about Biden and his ongoing, unconstitutional campaign to forgive student loans despite the fact SCOTUS has ruled against him (something he doesn't care about).

Charles C.W. Cooke also takes a shot at Biden's brazen attempt to 'forgive' student loan debt (read: pass it off to others):

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He writes:

If President Biden were to spend even half as much energy trying to secure our southern border as he is spending on finding ways to transfer the debts of American college graduates to the taxpayer, the flow of illegal immigrants would by this point have slowed to a trickle. On Wednesday in Los Angeles, the president announced that 153,000 more borrowers will have their student loans “canceled” — which, in practice, means paid by the people who didn’t take them out and spend them — at a cost of $1.2 billion. In January, Biden “canceled” 74,000 loans, at a cost of $5 billion, bringing the total cost to that point to more than $130 billion. By the time he is finished, Penn Wharton records, the president will have spent $475 billion on the program. Never, in the history of buying votes, have so many been so fleeced for so few.

Cooke continues:

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By 'fix student loan programs' he means 'give away everyone else's money to those who majored in gender studies.'

Really addressing the issue would include stopping the hemorrhaging of federal dollars to overpriced universities for degrees with minimal real-world application.

But we digress.

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Exactly the point: the universities charge ever-increasing tuition, the feds dole out student loan dollars and pass the buck to those who didn't go to college or paid their loans back. Wash, rinse, repeat.

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Especially since Biden is going to go after 'corporate greed' in the State of the Union address (rather than, you know, change his inflationary economic policies).

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But the Left likes higher education, so they get away with it.

That's how it works in Biden's America.

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Now would be a great time to remind everyone that President Biden was a key player in making it impossible to discharge student loan debt in bankruptcy. No, really.

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He's been in the federal government for decades. And nothing got done. Speaks volumes, no?

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Hahaha. Nope.

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How -- after 10 years -- could you not pay back $12,000 in loans?

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'It' refers to the debt.

This is fine. It's fine. Totally fine.