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30 Nov 2023
Grateful Calvin

NextImg:Cowardly Brown University President Cuts References to Jewish Symbols After Getting Heckled

If you need any more convincing that the leaders of most of America's institutions are craven cowards, look no further than Brown University. 

This week, Brown held a vigil for Hisham Awartani, a student at Brown and one of the victims in the horrible shooting of three Palestinians in Vermont over Thanksgiving weekend. Brown University president Christina Paxson, prior to speaking at the event, published her remarks in advance on the university's website.

Then the actual vigil and speech took place and it was marred by protesters demanding that Brown divest completely from Israel. What followed was sheer cowardice from Paxson.

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The full tweet from Kessel reads: 

Brown University president Christina Paxson planned to say "every student, faculty and staff member should be able to proudly wear a Star of David or don a keffiyeh on the Brown campus, or to cover their head with a hijab or yarmulke." After pro-Palestinian protesters heckled her, she cut references to Jewish students from her remarks.

Wow. Just ... wow. So, students aren't free at Brown to proudly display their Jewish religion? Is that what Paxson is saying here? 

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Paxson's cowardice was caught on video: 

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And it gets even worse. This is the response that Brown University gave to National Review when asked about the event: 

'The remarks on the website are those prepared for delivery, as noted on that page. At the point students began to disrupt the remarks, President Paxson began to abbreviate them with the hope of being able to finish. It’s not unusual for there to be some deviation between remarks as prepared and remarks as delivered, and certainly that was the case here given the disruption.'

Just come out and say that Brown University and its president are too scared to stand up to bullies. It would be a shorter and more accurate statement. 

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Yeah, we had a few choice NSFW words we wanted to use too.

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A resignation definitely sounds in order here. 

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If anyone would know cowardice, Ilya Shapiro would after what Georgetown University put him through. 

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Jennifer Sey, formerly of Levi-Strauss, also knows whereof she speaks here.

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She'd have to have a spine first to be able to find it. 

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And here's the cherry on top of this entire debacle ...

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Again, we say ... just wow. 

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If their university won't protect them, and their university president won't even mention them? Yeah, we're guessing they feel pretty damn scared.

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Yup. When the only thing standing in the way of evil is cowardice, there is nothing standing in the way of evil at all.

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