What sort of miserable, horrible, disgusting, hate-filled human being torments a three-year-old? Oh, that's right, 'Slava Ukraini' douchebags, that's who. Nothing convinces people to support your movement, like terrifying small children in public.
JD Vance was having none of it:
Post continues:
... for them leaving my toddler alone. (Nearly all of them agreed.)
It was a mostly respectful conversation, but if you’re chasing a 3-year-old as part of a political protest, you’re a sh*t person.
He's right, you know.
Normal, sane people do not terrorize toddlers.
Or excuse it ... like John Harwood did here:
John seriously needs to consider logging out.
The Left still doesn't get it.
This sort of thing never happens to Democrats because people on the Right don't typically torment toddlers while they protest. But yes, if this did somehow magically happen to a Democrat, it would be 'fascist' this and 'Hitler' that. But since it's just Vance ... crickets.
Stupid and evil is putting it nicely.
Here is video of Vance being far kinder than this editor could have been in this situation:
Nailed it.
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