These are strange times. In America today, an astounding one out of five individuals experiencing gender dysphoria is a young child. Why so? Our nation's children, in some cases, age five or younger, are being indoctrinated.
These tiny citizens are being exposed to children's books, teachings, live programs, and everything in between that celebrates men dressing up like women, women wanting to be men, boys not sure if they should be girls, and girls not sure if they should be boys.
Generational Psy-Ops
This phenomenon is relatively recent, considering that years ago, only a handful of children out of thousands suffered from the same delusions. Heather McDonald of the Manhattan Institute, a brilliant conservative writer, observes that, astonishingly, as many as one in three children are confused about their gender.
The American Left has done a sparkling job of psy-ops on our children. More and more kids are uncomfortable with who they are and who they are supposed to be. Some are coached to keep this secret from their parents. Many are encouraged to seek the aid of counselors. All of this is occurring at a time when most Leftists, generally speaking, would agree that children under, say, age 15 should not be having sex.
We face the dilemma then that transgender proponents assert young children are old enough for a sex change while not old enough for sex. The tragedy unfolding is that these children are being manipulated in ways that could impact their entire lives. How can I comprehend the massive physiological changes in store? Should they be induced to change gender?
Unwitting and Unprepared
Few will be prepared for long decades of potential dissatisfaction if not outright regret. Despite the urging of teachers, counselors, advisors, and perhaps even fellow students, few understand that they might have a difficult time “fitting in” no matter how accommodating society attempts to be.
Absent from the national debate and discussion about transgender politics is hard evidence as to how satisfied such patients happen to be 10, 20, or 30 years hence. No longitudinal studies are available which offer any kind of meaningful data.
What we do know is that increasing numbers of those who have undergone drastic sex change operations realize that they’ve made a lifetime blunder. They had no idea how their relations with friends, relatives, and classmates would change.
Moreover, The procedures they underwent did not result in them having an enhanced outlook on life. And, such procedures did not diminish the self-doubt, confusion, and recrimination they’ve experienced for so long. In many cases, the opposite has occurred: the self-doubt is greater than before.
Rewind, Replay
Over and over, they mentally replay the factors that led them to make an irreversible life decision with which they must grapple for decades.
Nevertheless, many otherwise respected institutions across the U.S. have already established transgender departments, not so much perhaps due to care and concern for the patients but because such procedures result in huge revenues.
What about transgender individuals as they age? What becomes of them when they realize they've made a 40-, 50-, 60-, or 70-year mistake? To whom can they turn? Can they litigate? How do they feel towards those who induced them to make major life-altering changes at a tender age before they could possibly understand the long-term ramifications?
Reckless Influencers
On top of everything, evidence is now emerging that perhaps 80% or more of children who experience gender dysphoria are not candidates for sex change operations. They are, instead, merely gay. They are led by teachers, counselors, advisors, and even parents who push them in certain directions, while the inducers themselves do not comprehend why such children experience disorientation.
As gay individuals in a society that increasingly accepts them without reservation, to be pushed into changing one’s sex is a personal tragedy if not a crime.
Yet, legions of Leftist influencers heartily proceed and, in their misguided, warped sense of propriety, believe that they’re contributing to the social good and the quality of life for the individuals whom they have indoctrinated.