If you watched the news this week, you likely noticed the idiocy displayed from the left. They repurposed their pickleball paddles into moronic thought bubbles for President Trump’s speech and have lowered the bar for what constitutes a functioning brain ever since. If there were a race to the bottom, Democrats would be the splat.
You might ask yourself why Democrats say such stupid things with regularity, as a normal person would fear being labeled a moron or found out to be a liar. Well, Democrats do it for a couple of reasons, but none greater than the fact that it’s all they have. The public school system, especially where Democrats have had generational control, has been churning out un- and under-educated people for decades. The perfect Democrat Voter Factories. If those people were to learn how they’d been cheated out of the life they could have created for themselves, it would turn those areas into a Philadelphia Super Bowl celebration.
Not only had I never thought a major political party would take to the streets to defend mid-level government bureaucrats, but I would’ve bet pretty much everything against that party, making it the cornerstone of their existence, especially when the other party is simply exposing how we’re all being ripped off.
Imagine being outraged over that?!?
But that’s where Democrats are; what they’ve become.
This did not occur in a vacuum, at least one not between the ears of that party’s voters.
There is the ignorant streak in the public, created by Democrats and the media for just this purpose, designed to make people think that any cut to an entitlement program means a cut in benefits for enrollees. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's about eliminating as much of the massive bureaucracy as possible.
Stick with me for a second. If a program has $1 million to spend on a beneficiary and there are four layers of bureaucrats between the treasury and the beneficiary, how much of that $1 million makes it to the end? For ease of math, let's say each layer costs 20 percent in administrative costs (salaries, benefits, utilities, etc.), so the beneficiary gets $200,000 to meet whatever their needs are. The other $800,000 is lost to the bureaucracy. Cutting the overall program doesn't mean cutting the $200,000 at the end; it could mean streamlining the process, since nothing in government is modern and there is no incentive to be efficient, and eliminating 2 of the layers of bureaucracy. That would "cut" $400,000 from the process without impacting the program.
Democrats oppose this because A) they get a lot of campaign donations from federal employees and their unions, and B) Donald Trump proposed it, and Elon Musk is making it happen.
Imagine basing your actions on a Pavlovian doing the opposite of whatever someone else does in response to their existence. After the age of 10, I mean, as this is what children do, not adults.
The fact of the matter is we could lose a lot of our government and not even notice it. I’d be willing to bet that with all the government shutdowns you’ve lived through, and you’ve lived through a lot of them – if you were born in 1980, you’ve lived through almost a dozen – you didn’t even notice one. OK, maybe you noticed when Barack Obama and the Democrats took great pains to shut down and block off national parks and even memorials in Washington, DC, in a desperate attempt to make groups of World War II veterans feel as if they were prevented from visiting the memorial in their honor, but no one else did.
That’s why Democrats can’t get any traction with the threat of layoffs of people who keep you on hold for hours only to transfer you to the wrong person, starting the process all over again. How many people have had to deal with the government for anything and come away only with a tapestry of obscenities to describe the interactions? I bet you could count them on one hand, even if you lost both hands in a thresher accident.
Democrats only thrive in ignorance. That might sound contradictory, considering how many of their kind are “educated” and work in higher education, but that’s just to make sure the machine that empowers them keeps running. The policies they enact don’t really impact the people implementing them or funding their campaigns; it’s more like ruling people than a government of, for, and by the people. Come to think of it, that’s exactly what Democrats would love to do more than they love their children, at least the ones they didn’t abort, and why they need to keep as many people as possible as ignorant as possible – it’s the only way what they say makes any sense whatsoever.
Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.