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The Liberty Loft
The Liberty Loft
16 Dec 2023
Bob Unruh

NextImg:Police give up on 'hate speech' case against council member

Police in the United Kingdom have given up on a “hate speech” case that they assembled against a council member who triggered leftists by recognizing and promoting free speech in online statements.

A report from Christian Concern explained all charges that were pending against Anthony Stevens, 51, have been dropped.

He had supported Christian freedom of speech in online social media platforms.

He had been represented by the Christian Legal enter after his arrest at his home – without warning – a few months ago.

The evidence that was assembled for the case included a handful of social media statements “which included support for fellow Conservative Councillor King Lawal,” the report said.

Lawal had been suspended by a local political group and canceled from several organizations including a library, and he was forced to step down from his own company after saying on X that “Pride is Sin.”

That, of course, is a conclusion drawn directly from the Bible. But “Pride” has been adopted as a slogan for the LGBT community and brandished on flags, posters and in conversations like a weapon.

Stevens had promoted a petition that called for Lawal to be reinstated. It went to his 76 followers, the report said, and requested, “If you value free speech please sign and share.”

The Christian Concern report noted that Stevens also shared a video of Lawal being interviewed by MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, and said, “That is my friend, everyone has a right to their beliefs, people can disagree as is their right but to ruin their standing because of them is wrong.”

Unannounced, police descended on Steven’s home in August, searched him in front of his wife and children and arrested him for a “public order offense.”

He was in jail for hours before being released.

Police contended at the time that he was “inciting” “racial hatred.”

He was grilled on his memberships and beliefs, and it was revealed that members of an opposing political party reported him to police.

He had explained to police at the time he believes in free speech, and a person’s right to their opinion, even if he does not share that opinion.

The report noted that police were “visibly angry” when he told them it didn’t matter whether he agreed with the statement, “Pride is sin,” because Lawal had the right to say it.

The arrest and attack later were described by Baroness Jacqueline Foster as an “appalling episode and breach of free speech.” which prompted Mark Hopkinson, a police detective, to send Stevens a letter “seeking to intimidate him into not speaking to the media.”

Stevens’ lawyers then told police, “The arrest of our client, a democratically elected office-holder, for social media posts about matters of public interest, is self-evidently a matter for legitimate media attention, public debate and criticism.”

They accused the cops of “an outright attempt to intimidate our client and media organisations and to stifle legitimate criticism of the police. Such behaviour is wholly unacceptable for a police officer in a free country.”

Following complaints about the officers to the “Independent Office for Police Conduct,” the Crown Prosecution Service informed him the case was dropped.

He later issued a statement, “It is deeply concerning that by alleging ‘hate crime’, members of the public, and even labour politicians, can weaponise and use the police to try and take out democratically elected opposition and shut down free speech. I believe my case is a worrying sign of potential things to come.”

This article was originally published by the WND News Center.

This post originally appeared on WND News Center.