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The Liberty Loft
The Liberty Loft
12 Oct 2023
Bob Unruh

NextImg:Dead baby images released by Israeli officials document depravity of Hamas

Images that have been released by Israeli officials now have documented the complete depravity of Hamas, the terrorists who now are confirmed to have decapitate babies during their stunning attack on Israel that left thousands dead.

Multiple reports earlier had said the Hamas terrorists had shot whole families dead in their beds, had burned other families alive, and, sickeningly, had decapitated dozens of babies killed in one kibbutz.

Now a report at the Washington Examiner says the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shared photos “purportedly showing the burnt remains of children who were killed in last week’s terrorist attacks.”

The report explained, “Hamas and other Gaza-based terrorist groups launched an unprecedented, coordinated, and multifaceted attack last Saturday that has resulted in the deaths of more than 1,200 people, a vast majority of whom were civilians. The Israel Defense Forces said fewer than 200 soldiers were killed in the attack, meaning about 1,000 civilians were killed, though both tallies could continue to rise.”

Netanyahu showed the images to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and his office explained, “These are horrifying photos of babies murdered and burned by the Hamas monsters. Hamas is inhuman. Hamas is ISIS.”

There have been many references linking Hamas and ISIS, until now the standard bearer for Islamic atrocities against innocent bystanders, because of the brutality of Hamas’ attacks.

Netanyahu said, “Hamas is ISIS, and just as ISIS was crushed, so too will Hamas be crushed, and Hamas should be treated exactly the way ISIS was treated. They should be spat out from the community of nations. No leader should meet with them. No country should harbor them. And those that do should be sanctioned.”

Blinken condemned the viciousness of the Hamas terrorists, with, “Babies slaughtered, bodies desecrated, young people burned alive, women raped, parents executed in front of their children, children in front of their parents.”

The Examiner explained there have been “contradictory” reports about terrorists beheading children, but IDF forces said they had seen that evidence. Joe Biden also confirmed it but his press office later walked that back.

What is known is that hundreds of civilians were murdered at a concert site, while terrorists also went to communities close to Gaza and slaughtered hundreds more.

Israel’s military has since launched a campaign to destroy the terrorists’ base of operations in Gaza.

A report in the Daily Mail also confirmed that Israel released “harrowing images” of babies who were murdered by Hamas.

“One appalling image shows the small body of a baby, who couldn’t be more than 12 months old, lying on a now bloodied white body bag that is too large for it. The little child’s baby grow dotted with flowers is covered in blood after the rampaging terrorists unleashed horrors that defy belief,” the report commented.

“Another two photographs released by Israel show the blackened and charred bodies of two babies who were murdered by the Hamas gunmen when they stormed their homes in southern Israel. Their bodies are so disfigured it’s impossible to make out where their arms and legs would have been.”

The publication said it could publish only “heavily blurred versions” of the images because of their horrific content.

And it describes as “apparently verified” the reports of “other babies beheaded by the ruthless terrorists in the Kfar Aza kibbutz.”

One official who observed the depravity of Hamas said, “I saw a dead mother holding her dead baby, both killed with a single bullet that went through them. I saw 20 children shot and burned and piled together and two piles.”

Confirmation of the horrors also came from the Jerusalem Post, which said it could “confirm based on verified photos of the bodies being burnt and decapitated in Hamas’s massacre on Kfar Aza are correct.”

This article was originally published by the WND News Center.

This post originally appeared on WND News Center.