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The Liberty Loft
The Liberty Loft
25 Mar 2023
Bob Unruh

NextImg:Congressman presents bogus tax checks as if they come from HIM!
Check “from” Rep. Crow (government image)

Members of Congress, of both parties, routinely tell their constituents about how they obtained money for local projects and governments.

They routinely claim credit for doing that, even though the appropriations mostly have to be approved by all of Congress.

And the money actually comes from the taxpayers to whom the money is being “returned,” mostly.

But a Democrat in Colorado has taken self-aggrandizing to a new level.

Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo., has presented bogus checks to various organizations in Colorado that are printed to appear as if the money is coming from HIS account.

Colorado Peak Politics explained, “The oldest trick in the political playbook is when elected officials mooch off the government’s collection and spending of our hard-earned tax dollars every year as if it were their own personal accomplishment to rob us and spend our money.”

Usually it’s a press release or the like.

But Crow went “brazen,” the report said, announcing “Douglas County would get about $600,000 from the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus funding passed by Congress ”

The report noted, “If you look closely at the photo op from media reports, it appears the oversized check presented by Crow came from his own personal congressional banking account. … But there is no such bank account for ‘Jason Crow, Congressman for Colorado’s 6th Congressional District.’”

The report explained, “Members of Congress don’t get their own banking account to write out checks from the federal treasury under their ”

It complained that tax dollars should not even be wasted printing oversize bogus checks from fake accounts “so politicians can bask in the glory of overspending trillions of federal tax dollars that sent our economy spiraling and from which we have yet to recover.”

The report noted, “This funding for Douglas County and the other projects didn’t come from Congressman Crow’s bank account nor is it authorized by his signature. All of that money came from the fine taxpaying people of Colorado and these here United States of America.”

This article was originally published by the WND News Center.

This post originally appeared on WND News Center.