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The Liberty Loft
The Liberty Loft
9 Sep 2023
Bob Unruh

NextImg:Another blue-state school caught with anti-Christian agenda

One of the issues that Liberty Counsel’s legal experts have adopted has been the fight over access by clubs for Christian students to meet in schools after classes.

Many districts routinely allow secular groups like Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts such access, and the Supreme Court has ruled that all clubs must be treated equally.

That precedent is from 2001, when the high court said in “Good News Club v. Milford Central School” that restricting access to Christian clubs is a violation of the First Amendment.

According to Liberty Counsel, there are some 3,285 Good News Clubs operating now, with about 2,000 meeting in schools after classes.

It has had to fight for that access in 200 cases, and “has never lost a case,” Liberty Counsel confirmed.

Now it is a district in California, Hayward Unified School District, that has been caught apparently discriminating against those of faith.

The organization reported, “Liberty Counsel has sent a demand letter to Hayward Unified School District (HUSD) in Hayward, California and its superintendent, Dr. Jason Reimann, for discriminating against Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) by not allowing its Good News Club to meet on the Fairview Elementary School campus while allowing other clubs to meet. Since January 2023, CEF has requested three distinct times to resume holding the after-school club in an available classroom, but HUSD has denied all three requests without explanation.”

The report said the district earlier had allowed a Good News Club at Fairview Elementary, but now officials have denied the request, and have “failed to respond to repeated correspondent from CEF.”

Even though they permit other clubs, “including Girl Scouts and Girls on the Run,” to meet on campus directly after school, Liberty Counsel reported.

As recently as July, CEF Rhode Island and its Good News Clubs won a lawsuit handled by Liberty Counsel over the decision by Providence Public Schools in Rhode Island to ignore CEF requests.

“A federal district court ruled the school district discriminated against CEF by not allowing the Good News Clubs while allowing other clubs to meet. As a result of the victory, the Providence Public School District is permanently mandated to treat the Good News Clubs ‘on an equal basis with similarly situated organizations, such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Girls on the Run.’”

Liberty Counsel’s letter to the district said, “California law and district policies to not permit the district to deny the use of facilities to the GNC, particularly where such are made available to Scouts and GOTR. District practice has been to make facilities freely available to these and other groups similarly situated to the GNC, immediately after school.

“Moreover, the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, made applicable to the states (and the district) by the Fourteenth Amendment, also prohibits discriminatory denials of facilities use based on unbridled administrator discretion, or based upon religious viewpoint.”

This article was originally published by the WND News Center.

This post originally appeared on WND News Center.