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Elizabeth Allen

NextImg:Woke ASPCA Allocates Mere 2% to Animal Shelters, Millions Funneled to Execs and Idle Accounts: Report

A new report has revealed that one of the country’s most well-known animal welfare groups, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), has been sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars, including millions in offshore Caribbean accounts, while giving just 2% of its budget to pet shelters.

The report has been released by the Center for the Environment and Welfare (CEW), a recently established think tank that has launched a paid media campaign to expose the ASPCA’s alleged duplicity.

The ASPCA, known for it’s heart-string pulling commercials with images of abused cats and dogs while listening to Sarah McLachlan singing “Arms of an Angel” which helped raise millions of dollars from viewers believing their money would go to help these animals.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, CEW Executive Director Jack Hubbard stated that the ASPCA is more focused on enriching itself and pushing a radical political agenda than helping pets in need.

“We’re concerned about misinformation and a lack of information about the true agenda of the ASPCA,” Hubbard said. “We’re trying to educate the public about who this group is and who it’s not.”

The report cites the ASPCA’s most recent tax filings as the source of its figures, indicating that only 2% of the organization’s budget is given as grants to community pet shelters.

Meanwhile, the ASPCA had $390 million in revenue and $575 million in assets in 2021, including $310 million in investments and $105 million in savings.

Even more concerning is the ASPCA has $11 million in offshore accounts in the Caribbean, not to mention the absurd salaries employees receive.

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The organization’s CEO, Matt Berkshadker, receives nearly $1 million a year, with 259 of his employees earning six-figure salaries.

Hubbard has called for Berkshadker to cut his salary in half and for the ASPCA to distribute its roughly $300 million in investments to local shelters.

CEW’s findings appear to be in line with a 2021 investigation by CBS News.

The investigation reported that while the ASPCA had raised more than $2 billion for animal welfare since 2008, it spent just $146 million, or about 7% of the total money raised, in grants to local animal welfare groups. In contrast, the organization spent at least $421 million on fundraising.

“When you start sharing this information with people, especially animal lovers, they’re outraged,” said Hubbard. “There’s a euthanasia crisis in this country, with more than a million animals killed, euthanized in the US each year, and you’ve got this group sitting on $300 million in investments.”

The ASPCA is not affiliated with local SPCAs. It only runs one adoption center in New York City.

“Most people believe they’re associated with all the local shelters, but they’re not,” said Hubbard. “The ASPCA should change name its name to the Midtown Manhattan ASPCA.”

The ASPCA has also been criticized for its lobbying efforts to influence the 2023 Farm Bill.

The organization is leading a coalition of 40 animal rights groups in this push, advocating for a national moratorium on new and expanded large livestock feeding operations, a complete ban by 2040, and the creation of new animal welfare standards for the transport of livestock and poultry.

The coalition also supports a proposal for a $100 billion program to transition animal feeding operations to raising pasture-based livestock or growing specialty crops and organic commodity production.

CEW claims that the ASPCA’s goal is to incentivize livestock farmers to stop raising animals and focus instead on crops and plants. Hubbard has called the group’s lobbying campaign “radical,” suggesting that it is pushing an “anti-farmer” agenda.

He argues that the changes sought by the ASPCA would harm both low-income Americans and national security by making the country’s supply chain more vulnerable and raising food prices.

“I’m really concerned about animal rights groups trying to change the country’s food policy,” Hubbard said. “We have the safest and most abundant and affordable food supply in the world. It’s good for people at all income levels.”

“If the ASPCA is successful, the food crisis will increase, and we’re already in a hyperinflationary tailspin,” Hubbard continued. “Talking about measures to raise prices of healthy animal protein is beyond irresponsible and poorly timed.”

The ASPCA has defended itself by stating that all its efforts are meant to ensure the welfare of animals.

A spokesperson told Fox News Digital, “For more than 155 years, the ASPCA has been actively pursuing our mission ‘to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.’ All of our lifesaving work is dedicated to rescuing, protecting, and caring for animals in need.”