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Elizabeth Allen

NextImg:Tucker Carlson Discusses Unexpected Fox Departure in First Sit Down Interview with Russell Brand

Seasoned media professional Tucker Carlson, known for his distinctive laugh and easygoing demeanor, recently sat down for a chat with British comedian Russell Brand.

Carlson talked about his abrupt dismissal from Fox News in April, marking the first public discussion on the topic.

Carlson conveyed to Brand, “It’s not the first time I’ve been fired. And I think in our business, when you work for a big company in media and, you know, you say what you think, there’s an expectation that you could get fired.” Despite his acknowledgment of the possibility, he admitted to being taken aback by his sudden dismissal.

Offering clarification, he added, “But I wasn’t really shocked. And I wasn’t mad. It’s not my company, and when you work for someone else that person reserves the right — in fact, has inherently the right — to decide whether you work there or not.”

Carlson claimed that he was unaware of cause of his termination but bares no malice, stating “And I don’t know why I was fired — I really don’t. I’m not angry about it. You can believe me or not, but I think you can feel that I’m not.”

When Brand pressed Carlson for more clarity about his departure from Fox, he replied: “I honestly don’t know… They didn’t agree with me, of course, I don’t think.”

“But they were always very nice to me and they always let me say what I want. Not one time did they tell me not to say anything,” he continued. “So I was always grateful to Fox and I am, in retrospect, grateful to Fox for that.”

While discussing his departure from Fox, Carlson mentioned the unpleasant rumors that followed, accusing him of racism. However, he was quick to place responsibility not on the network, but on an individual within it. He expressed his confidence in Fox’s understanding of the groundlessness of these accusations.

The conversation between Carlson and Brand extended to a myriad of topics, encompassing Donald Trump, populism, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the January 6 incident, the conflict in Ukraine, and more.

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Carlson discussed life since working at Fox, stating “I’ve been happy. I guess the only thing that bothers me is I’m 54, and when you get a little bit older, and my wife and I — you know, our children are grown — and we live in rural settings…because we believe in nature and God and dogs. You know, you can lose your drive.”

He may be enjoying more free time but it is unlikely he will stop speaking out, saying, “And I do feel that people who are healthy and aware and who can read have an obligation to be engaged in the life of the community they live in and in the life of the country they live and in the life of the world.”

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Touching upon the topic of Donald Trump, especially following a leaked communication that suggested Carlson’s scorn for the former president, Carlson revealed, “I love Trump, personally.”

He also made a startling claim, saying, “I’m not interested in politics. I never have been interested in politics. I’m interested in ideas, I’m interested in people.”

Despite asserting his disinterest in politics, Carlson went on to make a striking prediction. He suggested that Trump’s arrival on the political scene might be recognized as the most influential American political event in a hundred years, “Because he re-oriented the Republican Party, against the wishes of Republican leaders.”

On the topic of the Ukraine conflict, Carlson firmly stated, “He’s right,” referring to Trump’s stance against the war. “And everyone in Washington is wrong.”

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Commenting further on the issue, Carlson added, “The U.S. could force a peace, like, tonight. They could. Uniquely, they have that power. And they won’t.”

“And they’re continuing to allow Ukrainians to be killed and the country to be devastated,” he continued. “So, I don’t know their motive; I can only guess. But I do know: You criticize that – they really are intent on making you be quiet.”