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C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal

NextImg:Irony: Hunter's Lawyer Files Ethics Complaint Against MTG; Accuses Her of 'Abhorrent Behavior'

If you’re one of Hunter Biden’s lawyers and you want to file an ethics complaint against a lawmaker for the “abhorrent behavior” of exposing the abhorrent behavior your client was involved in, better bury it on a Friday.

That much I’ll give Abbe Lowell, one member of Hunter’s legal team. In a four-page letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics, Lowell said that GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia had “lowered herself” by exposing America to the kind of behavior the first son apparently believed was tax-deductible.

Two days after Greene produced, um, ample evidence from Hunter’s laptop during a House Oversight Committee that the first son had violated the Mann Act by transporting prostitutes across state lines — and had paid for them to travel with his own company’s funds, later deducting the cost on his taxes — Lowell said the Georgia representative should be “immediately ” investigated.

Greene, he said, had demonstrated “abhorrent behavior that blatantly violates House Ethics rules and standards of official conduct.”

According to The Washington Post, Lowell wrote to update an earlier April complaint against the lawmaker.

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“This week, your colleague has lowered herself, and by extension the entire House of Representatives, to a new level of abhorrent behavior that blatantly violates House Ethics rules and standards of official conduct,” Lowell wrote, according to The Hill.

“If the OCE takes its responsibilities seriously, it will promptly and decisively condemn and discipline Ms. Greene for her latest actions.”

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“Now more than ever, the House has a duty to make loud and clear that it does not endorse, condone, or agree with her outrageous, undignified conduct and brazen violations of the standards of official conduct that do not reflect creditably on the House of Representatives,” he added.

In case you missed it — and it might be for the better, but you can’t fault her attention-drawing skills — Greene made headlines during committee testimony involving two IRS whistleblowers who were on the Hunter Biden case.

“When evidence and proof of a crime is presented, no prosecution should be denied, no matter who the person is,” Greene said as she questioned both Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shipley, who had investigated Hunter’s tax matters and found them to be suspicious.

You know the old maxim, “Show, don’t tell?” One cannot claim that Rep. Greene is guilty of violating that. On the other hand, neither, allegedly is Hunter Biden — and that was precisely MTG’s point.

Toward the end of her nearly eight minutes of questions, she pulled up images that were obtained via a sex tape Hunter allegedly made with a Los Angeles-based sex worker that was uploaded to an amateur pornography platform.

“So when Hunter Biden paid for this woman to do this with him,” Greene inquired, as she held aloft lightly censored stills of the first son having sex with the woman, “this is a violation of the Mann Act. This was prostitution.”

Ziegler said he couldn’t answer that — and Democrats were furious.

“Should we be displaying this, Mr. Chairman?” said Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland during Greene’s questioning.

Well, you can’t claim that Greene didn’t warn everyone: “I would like to let the committee and everyone watching at home [know] that parental discretion is advised,” she said.

WARNING: The following video contains images that may be offensive to some readers.

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Now, granted, I’m sure many of us wouldn’t like the contents of our private digital lives splashed all over the world, particularly in front of congressional committees. That said, I think there’s a rich irony in one of Hunter Biden’s attorneys berating a member of Congress for “abhorrent behavior” for showing off exactly what her client thought should be recorded for posterity on his laptop. It’s his fault if he decided he wasn’t going to pick it up from the repair shop, after all.

That client just received a mere slap on the wrist for tax and gun violations in a sweetheart plea deal with the Department of Justice, despite ample evidence he spent corporate money that was deducted from taxes on prostitutes. Not one but two whistleblowers from the IRS have come forward to allege that they were stymied when they wanted to look into tax crimes.

Ziegler, who described himself as a “gay Democrat married to a man,” told Congress that Hunter Biden “should have been charged with a tax felony, and not only the tax misdemeanor charge,” and confirmed that the IRS believed he used business funds to fuel his sexual appetites.

But, of course, it’s Greene who engaged in “abhorrent behavior.” Right.

If there’s any sense of irony left at the Office of Congressional Ethics, rest assured that quite a few people will having a grim laugh at Abbe Lowell’s expense over the weekend.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.