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Richard Moorhead, The Western Journal

NextImg:Gotcha: Look Where Fed Prosecutors Who Allegedly Declined to Charge Hunter Biden Spent Their Money

Two federal prosecutors involved in Hunter Biden’s lenient criminal case have a political connection to the drug addict’s family and party.

U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Matthew Graves and U.S Attorney for the Central District of California Martin Estrada both spiked efforts by U.S. Attorney David Weiss to bring charges against the younger Biden in two different jurisdictions, according to congressional testimony by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley.

The two men’s advocacy for the Biden family goes beyond Hunter’s legal affairs.

Graves donated $1,500 to the Joe Biden campaign during the 2020 election cycle, according to Federal Election Commission records.

Estrada donated $500 to the Kamala Harris for Senate campaign in 2015, according to federal records — years before Harris would serve as the elder Biden’s vice president.

Both prosecutors declined to press felony charges against the younger Biden — a decision made in contradiction to standard Justice Department protocol in tax investigations, according to Shapley.

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The career IRS employee recounted viewing text messages from the younger Biden in which he utilized his father’s reputation to coerce a Chinese national for a business deal.

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Weiss sought to bring California charges against Hunter Biden after D.C prosecutors canned the case in the jurisdiction, according to Shapley.

Estrada also has served as a board member for several leftist legal organizations, according to the Daily Caller.

Both prosecutors were appointed by President Joe Biden.

Weiss, a Trump appointee, was impeded by senior Justice Department officials during his investigation into Biden, according to Shapley.

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The younger Biden is slated to enter a guilty plea on two misdemeanor tax offenses in late July, according to CNBC.

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He’s set to receive a sentence of probation on the tax charges.

The arrangement of prosecutors will allow for the diversion of a federal firearms felony charge, contingent on Biden’s probation.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.