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Steve Straub

NextImg:Failing to Financially Support a Spouse Or a Child's Gender Transition To Be Considered 'Domestic Abuse' In The UK

Parents and family members in the UK may face prosecution if they fail to financially support a relative’s gender transition or refrain from using preferred pronouns, as suggested by recent guidance from the UK’s Code for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

These circumstances could potentially be labeled as ‘abusive,’ raising crucial questions about parental rights and freedoms of speech.

Jeremiah Igunnubole, a former prosecutor and current legal counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom UK, expressed concern about the potential consequences of the new rules.

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“This puts the police force and government officers in the intensely difficult and inappropriate position of making politicized judgements against parents,” Igunnubole declared.

The guidance further muddies the legal waters by not acknowledging a one key point of contention.

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“It fails to recognize that there is no legal obligation for anyone to use someone’s ‘preferred pronouns’,” Igunnubole noted.

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He emphasized the central role of parents in their children’s upbringing and development, a responsibility protected by international law.

Igunnubole argued that these guidelines don’t pay due regard to essential freedoms: “This is the latest misstep in a trend towards guidance which fails to give adequate weight to fundamental freedoms of speech, of conscience, of religion and more.”

The guidance, he suggests, conflicts with parental primacy and the ability of families to make suitable decisions on such delicate matters.

“We urge the CPS to reverse this clampdown on parental primacy and the freedom of families to navigate these issues in the way they consider most appropriate,” Igunnubole implored. “ADF UK stands ready to defend the rights of parents and families to speak and act in accordance with their conscience and in their children’s interests.”

In response, a CPS spokesperson told Fox News Digital, “Domestic abuse is a severe crime and leaves victims with a lasting impact.”

The spokesperson mentioned that the list, which categorizes both physical and non-physical types of abuse, was updated following public consultation.

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The aim is to help prosecutors ensure justice for victims, regardless of their identity.

“The list is not exhaustive and should be used as guidance when considering appropriate charges in line with our legal test,” the spokesperson clarified.

However, this statement did nothing to assuage concerns regarding the potential legal implications for parents and families caught up in the turbulent waters of dealing with a confused child.

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