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Steve Straub

NextImg:Christian Homeschool Family Faces Deportation For No Apparent Reason After 15 Years In The USA

The Romeike family, who’ve called Tennessee home for a solid 15 years, are in a bit of a bind.

Despite getting a thumbs-up from the Obama administration to stay in the U.S., they’re suddenly facing deportation.

Why? Well, it’s a bit complicated.

15 years ago, the Romeikes decided they’d had enough of the German system.

Concerned about what their kids were learning—stuff that went against their evangelical Christian beliefs, like views on abortion and homosexuality—they decided to make a big move.

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Uwe was particularly fired up, saying, “The content we found in there is diametrically against what we believe in. Why would you teach a child to be disrespectful to parents? Why would you trust the Devil over God?”

Germany wasn’t pleased with their decision to homeschool, slapping them with a $7,000 fine and even sending the police to escort the kids back to school.

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So, the family packed up and headed to Tennessee.

They asked for asylum, and in 2010, it looked like they’d gotten a break when a Tennessee judge said they could stay. But that decision was later overturned.

The U.S. Supreme Court didn’t want to touch the case, but the Department of Homeland Security told them they could stick around, at least for a while.

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Today, the Romeikes are pretty settled in Tennessee. They’re involved in their community, they’re homeschooling their youngest kids (two of whom were born in the U.S.), and their adult kids even married Americans.

Uwe is using his talents, working as a piano accompanist at a nearby university. “We are no financial burden for the government,” Uwe pointed out. “We pay our taxes, we contribute to society and in the community.”

But now, out of the blue, they might have to leave.

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And some folks are scratching their heads, wondering why the government is focusing on deporting this family when there are over 1.5 million migrants who’ve recently come into the country without going through the usual channels.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) didn’t mince words. She wrote, “As millions of illegal immigrants flood across our southern border and disappear into our country, your immigration authorities have chosen to punish a family who has built their lives in Tennessee within the legal parameters of our immigration system.”

People are rallying behind the Romeikes.

There’s a bill in the works that might let them stay, and over 70,000 folks have signed a petition supporting them.

Their lawyer, Kevin Boden, spoke highly of them, saying, “In the face of this uncertainty, and potential radical change of their lives, they’ll smile, they’ll laugh, they’ll talk to you. They have incredible resolve.”

All in all, the Romeikes’ situation is a head-scratcher.

It’s a story that makes you wonder about the ins and outs of America’s current approach to immigration.

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