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Elizabeth Allen

NextImg:Biden Strikes Agreement with China to Shut Down Fossil Fuels: Experts Raise Huge Red Flags

President Biden’s administration has entered into an agreement with China to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to green energy, leading to significant economic and national security implications.

This pact, announced by the State Department, commits both nations, responsible for nearly half of global greenhouse gas emissions, to ramp up their efforts in reducing carbon emissions across various sectors of their economies, including power, industry, buildings, and transportation, through 2030.

The agreement has sparked concerns from many experts who argue that it could adversely impact American consumers and potentially bolster China’s economic interests.

Critics of the agreement, including Daniel Turner, the founder and executive director of Power The Future, contend that it effectively secures China as a customer for its renewable energy products while potentially allowing the nation to disregard its obligations under the agreement.

“The agreement speaks heavily about advancing — doubling down and tripling down on renewables, wind and solar. The majority of them are made in China,” Turner told Fox News Digital.

“So, you’re basically writing an agreement that guarantees China a customer and guarantees their manufacturing sector decades of purchasing,” he said.

“Of course China would love this agreement. And their obligations — they’ll just ignore that. They’ve ignored every other obligation.” He added, “It is basically guaranteeing China decades of wealth, guaranteeing America is going to buy their products,” Turner continued.

Moreover, the U.S. and China have committed to advancing five large-scale carbon capture, utilization, and storage projects by the end of the decade.

Carbon capture is a very expensive technology designed to mitigate emissions from power plants, but it has yet to be deployed at any power plant in the United States leaving it’s true effectiveness unknown.

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Critics argue that this initiative could potentially result in a significant financial burden on American taxpayers without clear evidence of its efficacy.

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Marlo Lewis, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, raises concerns about the broader implications of such cooperative initiatives.

“The cooperative initiatives outlined by State Department will create make-work for bureaucrats, subsidies for rent-seekers, photo ops for local politicians, and new opportunities for Chinese agents of influence and industrial spies,” Lewies told Fox News Digital.

“The effect on climate change, if any, will be negative, as the ‘cooperation’ will nudge the United States closer to Beijing-style central planning, production quotas, and groupthink,” he continued.

One of the key issues experts is China’s dominance in the global green energy supply chain is that China produces a significant majority of lithium-ion batteries, cathodes, and anodes, all crucial components of electric vehicles (EVs).

It also controls over 50% of the processing and refining capacity for vital minerals like lithium, cobalt, and graphite, which are essential for EV batteries and other green energy technologies.

Additionally, China maintains a strong grip on the global solar supply chain, producing a substantial share of solar panel manufacturing components. This dominance raises concerns about the United States’ dependence on China for crucial components of Biden’s transition to green energy.

Will Hild, the executive director of Consumers’ Research, asserts that the Biden administration’s climate policies prioritize ideology over the interests of American consumers.

“After ESG extremists like Larry Fink met with Chinese Dictator Xi Jinping this week, the Biden Administration reaffirmed its commitment to China to push climate policies that will effectively destroy the U.S. energy industry in favor of green energy initiatives that rely on China’s production of solar panels and batteries,” Hild told Fox News Digital.

“Consumers are fed up with EV mandates, gas appliance bans, and other climate initiatives the Biden Administration continues to peddle,” he said.

He argues, “Clearly climate alarmism remains a higher priority to President Biden than ensuring American consumers have access to affordable energy and consumer goods.”

“Consumers’ Research will continue to call out these ideologically-driven policies that hurt American consumers while helping the Chinese Communist Party,” he continued.

While the United States remains a significant producer of oil and gas, essential for various industries, including transportation, power, manufacturing, and construction, China has made substantial inroads into green energy markets. This raises questions about the potential economic implications of shifting the focus away from fossil fuels.

Critics also point out that while China commits to climate initiatives on the international stage, it continues to expand its coal power capacity significantly, contradicting its climate goals.

In 2022, China permitted an astonishing 106 gigawatts of new coal power capacity, a fourfold increase from the previous year. Burning coal is known to produce more carbon emissions compared to any other fossil fuel, nearly twice the footprint of natural gas.

According to Rhodium Group, China accounts for around 27% of total global greenhouse gas emissions, three times the total of the U.S., the world’s second-largest emitter.

Despite its emissions levels surpassing those of the United States, China has not committed to reducing emissions at the same rate. This leads some to question the effectiveness of agreements like the one reached in Sunnylands, California, and whether they genuinely hold China accountable for its carbon footprint.

Steve Milloy, a senior legal fellow at the Energy & Environment Legal Institute, told Fox News Digital, “The Sunnylands agreement is nothing more than political sop from Communist China to try to help Biden and Kerry politically, and to keep the America-hurting climate hoax going. The agreement does not bind China to cut emissions or to do anything else of importance.”

“But keeping the climate hoax alive is very important to China for three reasons: 1) climate spending and climate regulations hurt the U.S. economy and help the Chinese economy; 2) mandates for green technology deepen U.S. dependence on China for that technology; and 3) both of the aforementioned compromise US national security and further China’s goal of becoming the lone global superpower by 2049,” he continued.

Milloy is not the only critic of the deal. Jason Isaac, the CEO and founder of The American Energy Institute, said the agreement was “laughable.”

“Xi knows that the grid in America is getting crushed under the weight of a so-called energy transition. Over 80% of our reliable thermal generation from natural gas and coal will age-out in the next two decades,” Isaac told Fox Digital News. “Instead of aging out, we need to build new generation more than ever.”

“Yet, the current administration is making new, reliable electric generation construction nearly impossible. Biden’s bailout of China has turned our foreign policy to ‘China first, America last,'” he said.

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