WATCH: Mario Van Peebles Claims It May Soon Be 'Illegal to Read About an Enslaved Person' in Florida
In this episode of CNN: The (Self-Proclaimed) Most Trusted Name in News...
There's nothing better than CNN being CNN — from a comedic perspective, I mean. So, leave it to the embattled network to use the upcoming 60th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s historic March on Washington to push radical left-wing agendas like on-demand abortion, but also to preposterously claim that Florida under Gov. Ron DeSantis might soon make it "Illegal to read about an enslaved person."
I'm not overly fond of the term fake news, but this was fake news at its best (worst).
"CNN Tonight" host Laura Coates previewed the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington on Friday by dragging out Hollywood director and actor Mario Van Peebles, who promptly got his CNN on.
Coates kicked off the festivities with this softball set-up:
You have been in so many great moments as well, and following and documenting the power of the image of what we have seen with the March on Washington.
Van Peebles wasted zero time before proceeding to beclown himself silly. (emphasis, mine)
My dad and I always talked about how, you know, the modern-day colonizer doesn't put chains on your body, the chains are on your mind. And the first step to freeing your mind is controlling your imagery, the image of what you imagine you can be.
Stop the tape.
Setting aside Van Peebles's silliness about "modern-day colonizers" (in America), the only group I'm aware of that attempts to "chains on the minds" of black Americans is the Democrat Party. Blacks who think for themselves and reject Democrat narratives in favor of conservative ideology are to be ridiculed, dismissed, and ultimately destroyed by the left, if possible.
There is no better example today than that of conservative black Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas. Justice Thomas has been called virtually every racist name in the left's book, for the "sin" of adhering to the U.S. Constitution vs. left-wing narratives.
Van Peebles continued:
[O]ne of my favorite King quotes is where [sic] he says, “We all have to learn together, learn to live together as brothers and sisters in harmony, but we perish together as fools.”
And in my family, we've got all kinds of folks. We've got white, black, brown. I've got a gay aunt. I've got a Trumper aunt. I mean, every -- so I've got a love with big arms.
Hold the bus. Since we're quoting MLK, here, let's not forget his most famous quote:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Proponents of Critical Race Theory (CRT) were unavailable for comment.
CRT, the Marxist-derived radical ideology that turns MLK's wisdom on its head, precisely teaches (indoctrinates) that racism and racial inequality are constants in American society, and that our structures and institutions are primarily responsible for the maintenance of racial inequality. Moreover, colorism — the practice of favoring light skin over darker skin — is also a constant in which "systemic racism" exists, due to the "inherent racism" of white people.
In other words, it's ludicrous to argue that any one group or any one doctrine is more responsible for "putting chains on the minds" of Black Americans than the left, and by political extension, the Democrat Party.
Van Peebles then vomited the worst bilge of the segment.
I'm not interested in just what the problems are. We know there's darkness. We know that it was illegal to teach enslaved people how to read. Soon in Florida, it may be illegal to read about an enslaved person.
I won't dignify that nonsense with a response, but I will share one more quote from Van Peebles — in which the hypocritical irony could not have been more laughable.
So, we know you have problems of education. I know my daughters might not have the same freedoms that their moms had. Just the freedom to vote is being encroached on. You know, the right to go to school and not get shot at. So, we know there's [sic] problems.
His comments can be viewed below.
Barack Obama may have kicked off the politics of division along racial lines in earnest, but in comparison to Joe Biden and today's radical left-wing Democrat Party, Obama was a race-baiting amateur.
As for the likes of CNN and Mario Van Peebles, we should expect nothing more.