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Red State
Red State
2 Sep 2023

NextImg:WATCH: Adam Kinzinger Loses It on DeSantis for Not Meeting With Biden, Calls It 'Absolutely Outrageous'

Adam Kinzinger was back on cable news on Friday, this time paired up with Obama-acolyte David Axelrod. According to CNN, that constitutes having a "Republican" opinion on the network. 


Of course, we all know the truth about Kinzinger, and he was happy to flaunt it with an unhinged rant against Ron DeSantis. The topic at hand was the governor deciding not to meet with Joe Biden in Florida following the damage done by Hurricane Idalia. 

DeSantis oversaw one of the fastest, most successful recoveries in history largely being extremely competent and pre-staged resourced before the hurricane hit. As a result, even some areas that took the worst of the storm are back online with electricity flowing and roads open. 

None of that matters, though, according to Kinzinger. Rather, the real test of leadership is whether a governor shows up to bend the knee to the current president. 

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KINZINGER: There’s a one percent to two percent chance it’s logistics. There’s a 98 percent to 99 percent chance it’s the optics. Look, politics has become, you know, from even 10 years ago, there were moments you could put politics aside and do what you were actually elected to do, which is lead, help, you know, that kind of stuff. It has now infected everything, and Ron DeSantis, at the cost of the benefit to Florida, has decided his political campaign cannot have him meet with Joe Biden, the President of the United States, who ultimately will be signing the checks that Florida is going to be begging for. I mean, it is absolutely outrageous that at a moment, I couldn't imagine being governor of any state, having a tragedy like that, and then turning around and thinking about how this could affect my election. It's where we're at now, and people just have to reject that.


It's "absolutely outrageous," Kinzinger proclaims while speaking of Biden as some kind of king who produces magical checks for American taxpayers. Does he realize that he's suggesting the president might withhold aid to suffering people over DeSantis not participating in a photo-op? Because that's what he's suggesting. But sure, it's DeSantis who would be the bad guy in that scenario. 

This entire idea that governors need to show subservience to the president in order to receive federal funds is perverted. Biden serves at the behest of Floridians, not the other way around. Florida residents pay federal income taxes. It's their money, not Joe Biden's. 

Besides, why should DeSantis cause a security nightmare on the ground, shutting down relief efforts, so that the president can come take a few pictures and crack a few inappropriate jokes? Does that seem like a good use of anyone's time? 

Kinzinger is and was a do-nothing. He's a bloviating talking head who doesn't have one percent of the leadership ability of DeSantis. That's why one guy is governor of a massive, highly successful state while the other got re-districted out of his job by the very Democrats he subjugated himself to. 

Lastly, I'll just note how stupid these post-disaster photo-ops are. Joe Biden, along with Kamala Harris and other Democrats in the administration, have accused DeSantis of being rabid racist. Why would he want to meet with people who have savaged him in the worst way possible (politically speaking)? It's that kind of fakery that drives Americans insane. If DeSantis is evil, then why would Biden want to meet with him? 


I'd be more than happy to see all these silly pretend moments of unity go away. They don't accomplish anything except confirm that Washington, DC, is full of fake individuals who will shift on a dime for political reasons. That Kinzinger wants that continue is not surprising given his background.