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Red State
Red State
30 Sep 2023
Mike Miller

NextImg:Trump Jr. Rips McConnell, Other Senate 'RINOs' Over Never-Ending Aid to Ukraine — Is He Right?

As the war in Ukraine continues with seemingly no end in sight, with embattled Joe Biden and the Democrats' open-checkbook policy to the Volodymyr Zelensky regime alive and well, and multiple congressional Republicans seemingly backing the Dems every step of the way, Donald Trump Jr. on Friday weighed in with his view of the conundrum facing America. 


Trump Junior fired up X to call out Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky), Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.), Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-Wyo.), and Sen. Katie Britt (R-Ala.) for supporting the Democrat-majority Senate's proposed stop-gap bill to fund the government — which would have included shipping another $6.1 billion in aide to Ukraine.

RINOs in the Senate are trying to jam billions more in Ukraine funding down our throats. Our voters deserve to know who is selling them out.

First up: Mitch McConnell.

He says funding Ukraine is the GOP's #1 priority. 

Call his office & let him know if you agree! 202-224-2541

The question is whether Trump Jr. was right.

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A source "close to Trump Jr." reportedly told Breitbart:

Stopping the Senate’s plan to send billions more to Ukraine is Don’s number one policy priority right now, and he plans on calling out every pro-Ukraine senator one by one in the most aggressive ways possible,” a source close to Trump Jr. told Breitbart News. “He’s not going to let this go, and he’s going to make it as painful as possible for as long as it takes."


Junior's shot across Cornyn's bow was strong, as well.

Next on our list of RINOs putting Ukraine First is @JohnCornyn.

He sold us out when he supported Biden's gun control bill & now he's selling GOP voters out AGAIN to send billions more to Ukraine.

He really deserves a PRIMARY - Texas can do better!

Call his office: 202-224-2934

Again, valid?

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Trump Jr.'s diatribe against the other previously mentioned "RINOs" continued, as he posted the phone numbers of their respective offices. 

Anyway, here's the deal:

I'm disinclined to include my own opinion — this time, anyway — of the ongoing support by some of Ukraine's war effort in defense of the unprovoked invasion by Vladimir Putin's Russia.  

On one hand, if Russia's — or the ChiComs in Beijing — aggression and hegemony go unchecked, where does that ultimately leave the United States? That is a valid question that deserves intelligent thought.


On the other hand, as this country has proved, multiple times, beginning with the disaster in Vietnam, if not the Korean Peninsula, that nation-building, and nation-saving, haven't worked out well at all. 

The unfortunate people of Afghanistan were unavailable for comment.

What say you?

Incidentally, the House passed a continued resolution to avert a federal government shutdown on Saturday afternoon. In other words, to be continued.