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Red State
Red State
24 Feb 2024
Susie Moore

NextImg:RedState Weekly Briefing: Herridge Fights for her Files, Biden Stumbles, Bumbles, and Mumbles

Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing  — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee or hot toddy to help ward off the late winter blues, and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!

#1 - Catherine Herridge Posts Important Update on CBS' Seizure of Her Files — by Nick Arama

Her firing got the most attention because of her excellence in reporting and the suggestion that it was more than just a layoff when it came to her being let go, just after she'd been reporting on the Hur Report. That suspicion grew louder when it was learned that CBS had also seized Herridge's files, computers, and records, which included her "privileged sources."

According to George Washington law professor Jonathan Turley:

The timing of Herridge’s termination immediately raised suspicions in Washington. She was pursuing stories that were unwelcomed by the Biden White House and many Democratic powerhouses, including the Hur reporton Joe Biden’s diminished mental capacity, the Biden corruption scandal and the Hunter Biden laptop. She continued to pursue these stories despite reports of pushback from CBS executives, including CBS News President Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews.

#2 - Steve Doocy Delivers Brutal but Important Comment About Joe Biden's Tripping Problem —by Nick Arama

The report noted that Biden seems to have more difficulty in dress shoes, so they've been dressing him in sneakers. But he was wearing the dress shoes when he tripped on Tuesday. 

That was on top of having a Secret Service agent by his side to help prevent a real header, according to another report. 

"Can't somebody just carry him up the stairs??" "Fox and Friends" co-host Steve Doocy said, only half in jest, I think, as the Fox panel discussed the problem. The panel laughed at that. 

But how embarrassing is that? Is that enough to convince Jill Biden or any of his handlers to get him out of there?

#3 - Ann Coulter Stuns Maher's Audience With Just One Line About How Media Treats Identities of Mass Shooters — by Bob Hoge

But on Friday, she stunned host Bill Maher, his guest CNN opinionist Van Jones, and the entire audience when she said we’d know all about the identities of the Kansas City Super Bowl parade shooters -- if the perps were white males. Two minors have been arrested in the case, but authorities have released little information on them.

Here’s how it went down: Maher started the segment by claiming we don’t know anything about the assailants. Coulter immediately wasn’t having it:

MAHER: We don't know who did this shooting, by the way. The Super Bowl shooting. 

COULTER: We have some idea – 

MAHER: What?

COULTER: If it were a white man shooting-- we’d know.

#4 - Nate Silver Drops Truth Bomb on White House for Trying to Hide Biden's Cognitive Decline — by Mike Miller

In a Silver Bulletin on Monday, titled "It's Time for the White House to Put Up or Shut Up," Silver said the first time his "internal needle" began to shift was in late summer when "Biden’s approval numbers remained poor even as the economy was improving." At the time, Silver blamed Biden's advanced age.

Biden turned 81 in November (Trump is 77) — an enormous problem for voters and one that Democrats weren’t going to be able to spin away. Still, as of late September [2023], I thought that it had become too late for a full-fledged primary challenge to Biden, and  Biden voluntarily announcing that he wouldn’t run for a second term was a close call but probably failed a cost-benefit test for Democrats.

Silver then said what we all know: "Since then, Biden’s situation has become considerably worse." He then dropped one of several truth bombs on the White House and the Democrat Party:

If you’re someone who would rather not see Trump re-elected again or who cares about the election for other reasons, it’s time to face the facts. You need to adjust to the new reality and not be mired in anchoring bias by your previous impression of the race.

#5 - Biden Manages to Trip, Almost Takes a Header on Short Stairs, Has Weird Response on Newsom Being 'Plan B' — by Nick Arama

Many people can't believe that the Democrats are going to go with the debilitated Joe Biden as their candidate for 2024. 

But right now, that's the apparent plan, although there's all kinds of speculation about a possible plan B that might include California Gov. Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama. Newsom certainly has been lining himself up as an available guy for the role should Biden ever step to the side. 

I have to hand it to one of the reporters on Tuesday who had the boldness to ask Biden about Newsom being Plan B. The fact that now they're willing to ask this shows how much trouble Biden is in.