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Red State
Red State
9 Sep 2023
Susie Moore

NextImg:RedState Weekly Briefing: Biden's AWOL, Liberty's Unsafe, and the WH Sees Imaginary People

Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing  — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!


#1 - WATCH: Biden Leaves Everyone Confused as He Walks Out in the Middle of a Medal of Honor Ceremony -- by Bonchie

The cameraman follows Biden, showing some people turning around and looking perplexed at what they were seeing. The closing benediction hadn't even been given yet, and people were still standing and clapping. Yet, the President of the United States just randomly walks off the stage to leave the room as Taylor is left standing there awkwardly.

Did Biden get confused and think the ceremony was over? That's the only explanation I can come up with, as it would seem unlikely that he could be made aware of some pressing matter that demanded he leave immediately while up on the stage. For the president to not even bother staying until the close of what is already an extremely short ceremony is objectively inappropriate. The entire thing came across as disrespectful to Taylor; the best excuse is that Biden is just completely out of it.

#2 - Is America Under the Thumb of a Shadow President? -- by Ward Clark

With all of the available evidence in hand, though, I think I have a fairly good idea of who is playing Edith Wilson to Joe Biden's Woodrow:  None other than the First Lady, "Dr." Jill Biden.

We can tell a lot about "Dr." Jill Biden's personality by her insistence on the doctoral title when most PhDs don't insist on that form of address. For example, some years back, I worked for one of the smartest men I've ever known, who had a PhD in industrial chemistry and insisted on being called simply "John." But Jill Biden uses that form regularly, even though her doctorate is in Education (an EdD, not a PhD).

Jill Biden is clearly the most likely candidate. Why? The Biden Administration's clear and present ineptitude. "Dr." Biden has never shown any particular competence, even in her supposedly chosen field. That explains volumes about this Dunning-Kruger presidency; the person who is supposed to be in charge doesn't know what's going on, and the person who is actually in charge doesn't know what she's doing.


#3 - Liberty Safe Confirms They Gave Feds Access Code to Gun Safe During Raid on January 6 Protester -- by Jennifer Van Laar 

Obviously, that tweet set off a flurry of social media activity and speculation about Liberty Safe, leading to the company's acknowledgment that they had given the FBI "the access code" to Nathan Hughes' gun safe. While it could be tempting to at least give them credit for coming clean, they were simply trying to get slightly ahead of the s**t storm - once court filings related to the raid and search are made public, they'll clearly show that the feds made contact with Liberty and were given the/an access code. It's not really clear whether this is an access code only for that safe or is some kind of universal backdoor access that all Liberty safes have.

Regardless, the assertion that they are committed to protecting the personal property and 2nd Amendment rights of their customers and preserving their rights is a joke. Even if there's a valid warrant for law enforcement to search the premises, if there was no backdoor access available the feds would have had to find another way into Hughes' safe and perhaps he would have had the opportunity to have his attorney challenge the search warrant. It's not up to Liberty to decide whether or not a warrant being served on one of their customers is valid. If they're so committed to their customers' privacy and protecting their fundamental rights, they could at least go through the motions of having their own legal team fight requests for access. Even better, they can ensure that there's no backdoor access available, period.


#4 - National Guard Activated in Massachusetts as the Left-Wing Chickens Come Home to Roost -- by Bonchie

The number of illegal immigrants in Massachusetts is a tiny fraction of what states like Texas and Arizona are dealing with, which makes the complaints coming from Democrat officials all the more pathetic. This is the chickens coming home to roost after years and years of pushing open-border policies. 

All it took was a relatively small bussing campaign for these sanctuary cities and states to completely flip on their own rhetoric. All the "diversity is our strength" talk goes out the window when there aren't enough shelters and people are sleeping on the streets. Meanwhile, protests are breaking out as local residents decry how their local governments are handling the situation. 

Of course, none of this changes unless people start voting differently. It's hard to muster sympathy for these far-left areas when they put the people in power who have created this situation. None of these Democrat politicians cared one bit about the border crisis until it ended up in their backyards. If voters want competent leadership, they have to start demanding accountability.

#5 - WATCH: WH Struggles to Explain Biden Inventing Imaginary Daughter in Bill Richardson Condolence Statement -- by Nick Arama

Here's the relevant part of the statement Biden issued.  

Bill and I crossed paths for the first time decades ago, when he was a staffer on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which I served on as Senator. Over the years, I saw firsthand his passion for politics, love for America, and unflagging belief that, with respect and good faith, people can come together across any difference, no matter how vast. He was a patriot and true original, and will not be forgotten. Jill and I send our love to his family, including his wife of over 50 years, Barbara, and their daughter Heather.

The problem? Maybe when you're trying to send people your "love," you might want to get the family correct. There is no daughter named Heather. They had no daughter at all, so it wasn't even a mistake about the name. 

Now, that would seem like just basic fact-checking, but as with so many things, Biden dropped the ball big time there.
