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Red State
Red State
15 Apr 2023

NextImg:Press Go Gaga Over Biden's Ireland Trip, but Let's Roll the Tape

Joe Biden has returned from Ireland in what was one of his most noteworthy and news-making trips since taking the presidency.

And wouldn’t you know, the press are really, really impressed. Apparently, Biden is just so energetic and well-maintained that not even his staff could have possibly been ready for how awesome he was going to be across the pond.

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The powerful emotional moments on Friday stood in contrast to the party atmosphere the president later encountered in Ballina, the hometown of his great-great-great grandfather. Thousands were in attendance for an event that included musical performances by the Chieftains and two other Irish rock bands.

When Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election, one of the biggest celebrations in Ireland was in Ballina. The County Mayo town of more than 10,000 includes descendants of Edward Blewitt, a brick seller who sold 27,000 bricks used to build the Catholic cathedral where Biden spoke on Friday.

Ballina’s mayor has joked that the event might be one where Biden announces his reelection plans. Indeed, at times over the last three days, the support and encouragement the president has received from adoring crowds across his ancestral home counties and even from Irish lawmakers in Dublin Thursday energized a president abroad despite his shaky political standing at home. Biden is having “the time of his life,” Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters Thursday.

Now, if you were to read that article with no other context, you’d think Biden’s trip to Ireland went amazingly well. That absolutely nothing went wrong, and that he was as sharp as ever, playing for the adoring crowds.

But let’s roll the tape, shall we? Because out of all the trips Biden has taken as president, this provided the most fodder for the site out of any of them. It was that bad, with numerous moments of embarrassment and senility on display.

In fact, if I were to post them all here, I’d get in trouble for using too many tweets in a story. Instead, I’ll just pick one clip from each story to make the point. With that said, let’s start with Biden once again getting lost.

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That was small potatoes, though, compared to Biden insulting the British by clearly not knowing who their prime minister is. Apparently, the president was expecting a white guy or something.

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The president also doesn’t know where his office is located because that’s a totally normal thing (really, it’s totally normal for Biden to forget basic details about his life).

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It wouldn’t be a Biden trip without weirdness involving kids. Hunter Biden, who himself probably should be nowhere near children, had to help his father interact with a group of them.

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I could keep going, such as highlighting Biden telling an audience to “lick the world,” but this article would double in size. Long story short, no, the president’s Ireland trip did not go well, and it did not pack an emotional punch. It was an embarrassing spectacle that makes the United States look weak and impotent in front of the world. That includes adversaries that are emboldened, joining forces, and seeking to exert influence.