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Red State
Red State
2 Dec 2023

NextImg:Kamala Harris' No Good, Very Bad, Morally Bankrupt Dubai Press Conference

Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to Dubai on Saturday to appear at a "climate summit." She got there by producing more emissions in a day than most families produce in a year, but hey, when you are an elite, adhering to one's own standards isn't paramount. Remember, the world is supposedly on fire due to global warming, but it's not bad enough for world leaders to, you know, use Zoom.

But while Harris pledged $3 billion of your money to more global climate boondoggles, it was what she said in her press conference that made the most news. Namely, she showcased her infamously horrible political skills while also fluffing Palestinian terrorists at the expense of Israel, a key American ally. 

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Do more of what? Israel has already created evacuation zones, encouraged Gazans to leave areas that are being targeted, and even set up a digital system to provide information on that front. There's nothing more they can do except cease hostilities with a terrorist government that broke yet another ceasefire on Thursday and continues to hold well over 100 hostages. 

The first thing Harris should have said is that the "Gaza Health Ministry" is an arm of Hamas and that nothing they report can be taken seriously. The next thing she should have said is that if further loss of life is to be avoided, Hamas must surrender and release the hostages. Instead, we get platitudes about Israel needing to do "more." It's pathetic. It's not a standard the United States itself has ever been held to. 

Then there were the questions on what happens to the "Palestinians" after the war ends. 

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For reference, the "Palestinian Authority" is a jihad-based terrorist government that rules over a population of people who overwhelmingly support the October 7th attacks. In fact, more people under the PA support Hamas than those who actually live under Hamas in Gaza. According to Harris, that's what needs to be "revitalized." 

The second clip also shows how boxed-in the Biden administration wants Israel to be. Hamas an invade Israel and kill 1,400 people, but Israel can't displace anyone (i.e. create a buffer zone), can't hold any territory (again, a buffer zone), and can't blockade the terrorist government. What exactly can they do? Just take the terrorist attacks as a fact of life? That's really what's being requested.

Lastly, Harris called for another ceasefire, describing it with the administration's favorite weasel word, a "pause." 

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"The Emir" is the leader of Qatar, the country that is currently harboring and supporting the leadership of Hamas. That's who Harris is concerned with while Israel is trying to destroy Hamas. To continue to push for a "pause" at this point is morally bankrupt. Israel gave Hamas a pause. What they got was a trickling out of hostages and a terrorist attack that mowed down civilians at a bus stop. 

Harris is awful. She's awful in terms of style and competency, but she's also awful in terms of ideology. Essentially siding with the Palestinian Authority and Hamas while overseas is unacceptable. This woman can never be allowed to be president.