“Attention all shoppers, there’s a clean up on every aisle. Target is targeting your kids,” rapper Forgiato Blow sings in a song blasting the retailing giant’s obligatory Pride Month offerings, which include “women’s” bathing suits with space for tucking a male organ, sexual orientation clothing for kids, sexually themed books for children, and even a (since-removed) line by a company whose designer is an outspoken Satanist.
Proving that many Americans are getting sick of this stuff, the song shot to #1 on the iTunes “most popular chart” across all genres, surpassing the likes of Taylor Swift and Luke Combs. “Boycott Target” no longer sits at the top spot as of this writing—I wouldn’t be surprised if the woke Apple corporation had something to do with that—but the video has been viewed over 4.4 million times on Twitter and hundreds of thousands more on other platforms.
The video is blistering and hysterically funny at the same time. Take a look:
The song, which also features Jimmy Levy, Nick Nittoli, and Stoney Dudebro, shows the foursome walking the aisles of a Target store and pointing out the seemingly endless displays of LGBTQ merch—much of which is clearly aimed at children.
Levy took to Twitter to celebrate its success:
“We’re obviously shifting the culture,” Blow said. “We are waking people up letting them know that, hey, you don’t have to just follow the crowd. You can stand on your own and be a leader, not a follower.”
Here’s a sampling of the lines in the ditty, courtesy of TrapLyrics, who reproduces them albeit with a lot of typos:
They Put A Target On My Back,
But They’re Targeting Your Kids.
They Don’t Even Need The Cash
Cause You Know What It Is
That’s Why I Keep The Strats
And I’m Always(?)
This Is Gently Gotta Stop
Then You Know We Gonna Win…
I Heard The New Story Target Targeting Kids
They Going After Our Youth And Yeah They Do It Like This
If You Ain’t Mad Yet
Then You Better Be Pissed
Let’s Protest Until They Close And They Ain’t Gonna Be Missed
Why They Got Priced Shirts In The Kids Clothing Section
Why They Trying To Mess With The Kids And Give Misconception
They Manipulate And Minds Re Making Evil Impressions
Got No Got Little Boys Talking Now By Time 18’s Got Depression
Meanwhile, Target has been getting killed in the stock market, with share prices down four percent Tuesday alone, bringing its total plunge for the month to 15 percent. That’s knocked over $12 billion off its market cap to send it to its lowest point in four years.
Despite the song’s success, the rappers feel they’re being censored.
“It’s shadow-banned all over the world right now,” Blow said.
Shadow-banning is when a user’s content is blocked from part or all of a social media site.
It’s known to be a stealthy way platforms limit posts’ visibility.
“You can’t even search the song on iTunes without going to the music video and clicking the external link. So they’re trying their hardest to keep it off the radar,” Blow added.
Levy concurred, saying in an interview that reaction to the video shows that “we are the majority although we’re being silenced and they make it look like, you know… the people that aren’t on the right side of humanity and history are the majority—they’re not, we are.”
I don’t consider myself to be a rap aficionado, but I found this tune catchy. Much more important, however, is just how on target (pun intended) their message is. I believe in live and let live, but these corporations are just going too far with this stuff—The North Face, Bud Light, Kohl’s markeking efforts ad nauseum—and people are getting fed up with it.
The left constantly blames the right for starting culture wars, but that’s garbage. It is actually they who keep pushing the envelope and asking us not only to accept their views, but to celebrate them. Once they start involving children in gender identity and sexual preference discussions, though, that’s where we have to draw the line in the sand and fight back.
A number of encouraging signs show that many Americans are doing just that. Kudos to these four for telling the truth.
See Also:
Bud Light’s Troubles Now Spiraling out of Control With Latest Sales News
NY Times Thinks This Kids’ Movie Needs a Little More ‘Kink’
Regular Americans Fight Back: Target Stock Price Plummets, Anheuser-Busch ‘Still in Shock’