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Red State
Red State
2 Mar 2024

NextImg:Desperate Libs Go Full Cross-Tab Truther After Major Poll Shows Disaster for Joe Biden

Democrats are in an outright state of panic following the latest poll from The New York Times and Sienna College. 

As RedState reported, Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by five points, with the results clocking in at 48 to 43 percent. Driving his the current president's woes is his deep unpopularity, which sits at -21 percent.

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This isn't just some random poll. This is the Times' largest and longest-running effort every cycle and the survey that its election analysts use to base their predictions. The topline number isn't the only one that's shocking either. Trump's overall lead is built on big gains with minority voters and women, two demographics that Democrats rely heavily on to win elections.

Those cross-tabs have desperate liberals in a full-blown state of truther-ism, scraping the bottom of the barrel to explain why the results supposedly aren't credible. 

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It's hilarious to see the tables turned like this. It wasn't that long ago that it was Republicans who were trying to "un-skew" polls, insisting that because of weighting biases and sampling errors, victory was still around the corner. How do I know? Because like most conservative commentators (and probably many of you), I fell victim to the same cope.

To put it simply, if you are un-skewing polls, you are losing. Cross-tabs are not meant to be taken as singular samples for analysis, and there is no poll where you won't find some oddities in the numbers. Rather, they are a building block on which the topline result is built, and dismissing a survey based on what one believes to be "unrealistic" cross-tabs is a fool's errand. 

The results of the Times poll are terrible for Biden. He's not secretly popular. There's no groundswell of support among those who don't answer the phone. He's historically unpopular, and it's going to cost him the election if something doesn't change. Democrats can accept that and try to fix it, or they can shout at the sky until defeat arrives in November. I'd prefer they keep doing what they are doing.