Schools have needs, and that certainly goes for Christian ones. Relatedly, a faith-based institution in Connecticut has created a new position.
In late December, Fairfield's Sacred Heart University (SHU) announced its supervisory addition: a Manager of LGBTQ+ Affairs. The new hire goes by "Kyle" and -- per SacredHeart.edu -- "identifies as trans masculine and uses him/his/they/them pronouns."
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Sacred Heart isn't shooting for mediocrity; only excellence will do:
“SHU is on a journey to inclusive excellence, and we recognize that many people in the school community identify with LGBTQ+ in various ways,” said Maurice Nelson, Sacred Heart’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.
Kyle will command the school's sex- and gender-identity-based hub. More from Maurice:
“The manager of LGBTQ+ affairs is a designated professional who leads the new Sexuality and Gender Equity (SAGE) Center, offers resources and support to our LGBTQ+ students, faculty and staff, and provides allyship education and community-building to everyone."
A lot has lately been made of "lived experience," and Kyle's got the goods:
“Kyle brings a wealth of resources, expertise and lived experiences that make him perfect for this inaugural role,” Nelson continued. “In his short time at SHU, he has already begun to make a positive impact on the SHU community and is a wonderful addition to the office for inclusive excellence.”
In an interview with the website, Kyle conveyed it's all about aiding the marginalized:
"I think it’s important to have concrete administrative support for marginalized communities. The LGBTQ+ community has a lot of intersectionality -- people who live with mental illness, who are Black, Latinx, Native American, even people of faith. They need to have a representative in conversations about diversity, equity and inclusion..."
Catholicism notwithstanding, it seems education's new religion is DEI -- alternately termed wokeness, antiracism, or social justice. Enlightenment has boarded the national consciousness; and across myriad arenas, it's steering the ship:
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Of course, on the way to inclusive utopia, there are sure to be snags:
Gay Campground Gets Accused of Hateful Transphobia for Banning Female Genitals
With any luck, those will get sorted.
Sacred Heart's provisions point to an immense evolution. As aforementioned, the SAGE Center oversees affairs of not only the "LGB," but the "T" -- that is, a Bible-based college has converted to the belief that a human being can be born a man and identify himself into a woman. Once transformed, she'll undoubtedly appreciate the school's willingness to advance. It compelled Kyle; courtesy of the interview:
What attracted you to Sacred Heart University?
"It was very apparent to me that Sacred Heart is a growing college community, not only in terms of population growth, but also diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, as evidenced by the opening of the Multicultural Center in 2020.
"I was especially drawn to the office for inclusive excellence. It was clear during the interview process that everyone I met is passionate and cares about what they are doing and their mission."
Catholicism, of course, isn't the only arm of Christianity altering its sexual views:
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Nationwide, priests, pastors and parishioners are pioneering a more inclusive era. Kyle aims to be among them:
"I was especially drawn to the office for inclusive excellence. It was clear during the interview process that everyone I met is passionate and cares about what they are doing and their mission."
Mission work has long been a focus of the Christian church; in many modern cases, however, the mission has foundationally changed.
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Find all my RedState work here.
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