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Red State
Red State
2 Mar 2024
Mike Miller

NextImg:Biden's Intentional Illegal Alien Invasion Set to Surpass 8 Million People by October

In this episode of Try to Control Your Shock and Amazement...

More than eight million illegal aliens will be living in the U.S. by the end of September — a roughly 167 percent increase under Biden, according to internal government projections. 

And if Biden and the Democrats get their way, the number will be even higher. 

Axios reported on its scoop — with its usual, left-leaning spin:

That's up from about 3 million in 2019 — a sign of how the underfunded and outdated U.S. immigration system can't keep up with the rapidly growing migrant population driven by new border surges. 

Wrong. It's a sign that Joe Biden, through 94 executive actions, has "completely destroyed border security." 

Axios continued to spin, of course:

The backlog has left millions of people living in uncertainty about whether they'll be allowed to stay in the U.S. — or facing [sic] deportation — often for years. The data show that while the backlog has exploded as President Biden has struggled to deal with the unprecedented crush of migrants from around the world, millions already were in the U.S. during the Trump administration.

Uh-huh. You see what they did there, right? 

"Hey, this whole thing started during the Trump administration, and now heroic Joe Biden is trying his best to fix it!" And please tell us more about how Biden has "struggled" to stop the never-ending surge of millions upon millions of illegals into this country, with no end in sight. Please. That's a complete crock of crap — and Axios knows it.

According to documents Homeland Security sent to Congress (emphasis, mine):

At the end of fiscal 2023 last Sept. 30, more than 6 million people were on what officials call the "non-detained docket." The government projects that will grow to 8 million by Oct. 1. 

This includes people who have been ordered to be deported, or who don't have final decisions from U.S. officials on their asylum or other immigration cases — but who aren't being held in the limited detention space that's available.

An estimated 2 million of the migrants in the backlog likely will be high-priority cases — mostly those who have orders to be deported to their home countries, and some with criminal records or pending criminal charges, 

This is sleight of hand, smoke and mirrors, or whatever other Democrat trickery you want to call it. The fact remains — very simply: The Democrat Party, with barely coherent Joe Biden as its current hood ornament, remains committed to importing as many of what they believe are future Democrat votes as they can get away with — be it legally or illegally. It was that way before Biden shuffled into the Oval Office as president, and it will be that long after he shuffles out.

Axios then went into hyper-spin mode.

Republicans, led by former President Trump, have zeroed in on the release of migrants who have recently crossed the border as a national security danger, and have highlighted crimes committed by immigrants in the U.S. Studies repeatedly have shown that immigrants have lower violent crime rates than people born in the U.S.

Let's assume for argument's sake that the above is true. So what?

First, violent crime rates among U.S. citizens are higher or lower depending on demographics. That's a fact. Second, does it not make sense to eliminate the threat of any violent crime committed by illegal aliens who shouldn't be in the country in the first place?

The Axios piece then became cartoonish in its bias.

The Biden administration repeatedly has asked Congress for more money to address the border — to no avail. Republicans — egged on by Trump, who wants to campaign on the issue — recently killed a bipartisan border deal months in the making. As Republicans continue to demand more detentions and deportations, ICE is having to make plans to cut back. 

"Meanwhile," the writer wrote, "thousands of desperate people keep crossing the border every day."

"To no avail," Congress and a growing majority of Americans have repeatedly all but begged Biden to use his executive-action authority — which he continues to lie about not having — to stop the surge he intentionally created via executive action.

Meanwhile, the Biden band plays on.

Joe Biden and the Democrat Party, along with their quasi-official state media lapdogs, can twist themselves into illogical pretzels as much or as many times as they choose. Still, the bottom line remains the same: They're on a hellbent mission to import enough illegal aliens to secure a permanent majority in the ballot box. Any Democrat who says otherwise is either lying or woefully uninformed.


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