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Red State
Red State
24 Feb 2024
Bob Hoge

NextImg:AOC Heckled by Constituents Over Green New Deal, ‘All You Care About Is Illegal Aliens’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) found out that many regular Americans have more pressing problems than replacing their gas stoves. To many striving just to get by, they’re more concerned about crushing inflation, the invasion of illegals at our southern border, and rampant crime than they are about the “Green New Deal.”

Hecklers at an event in Queens, New York, where she was speaking, let her know all about it.


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One of the hecklers is gunning for her congressional seat and called her Green New Deal ideas “a scam”:

“My name is Jonathan David Rinaldi and I'm running for Congress against AOC, the Green New Deal is a scam," Rinaldi shouted as Ocasio-Cortez was championing environmental justice provisions and climate change policies under the deal.

He wasn’t done:

They’re giving the NYCHA apartments away, they’re giving illegal aliens $10,000 a day… I want you to debate me AOC, debate me.

AOC could be seen smiling during the criticism — but then another heckler joined in, calling out her hypocrisy on the illegal alien issue. 

"Secure the border now," the man barked at Ocasio-Cortez while waving his finger at her.

“You haven’t said one word about violent Venezuelan migrants, illegals.

“You don’t care, all you care about is illegal aliens and their votes. You don’t care about your constituents.

“That’s all you care about, you’re a disgrace.”

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Ocasio-Cortez fired back with some gobbledygook nonsense about a “progressive” approach, but she completely avoided the border crisis and the fact that NYC has been virtually taken over by illegals currently.

Clearly, this community -- Astoria, Jackson Heights, also across the Bronx – clearly supports progressive immigration policies that welcomes all of our neighbors.

We clearly support a path to citizenship, we clearly support ending draconian immigration policies and that is why you all… support my representation of our community in Congress because we have had enough.

The hecklers weren’t buying it. As one was led away, he said: "You only represent the illegal aliens."

AOC has lost touch with what regular folks are worried about in these troubled times, and even in her ultra-blue area of New York, people are getting upset. We’ll see if it’s enough to get her voted out of Congress — one can only hope. 


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