RedState Weekly Briefing: Gutfeld Rules, Blockbuster Endures, and All Hell Breaks Loose in the Skies

Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!
#1 – The Reactions to Greg Gutfeld’s Super Bowl Ad Display Exactly Why They Are Losing to Him — by Brad Slager
This is emblematic of a reality faced with Hollywood acting exclusionary towards conservatives. Gutfeld recently spoke with podcasting giant Adam Corolla, and on that appearance, he detailed specifically how difficult it is for him to bring on writers and other content producers, because most of them fear getting blacklisted in the industry. This also, obviously, extends to celebrities and other notable names who are not willing to appear on Gutfeld’s panels.
To say Gutfeld enjoys an advantage when being unable to bring in core talent, and not benefitting from star power, is ridiculous. To see him rise to the top despite those handicaps is downright amazing. Winstead’s other comments though underscore just how much obliviousness is in play with those in this realm of entertainment.
#2 – This May Be the Funniest and Best Ad That Ran During the Super Bowl — by Nick Arama
It’s the end of the world, and streaming is gone, you may be left bereft, but Blockbuster will remain “until the bitter end.” The employee will even burst out with a friendly “Hey, Steve!” to the cockroach as it comes in.
The last Blockbuster in the world in Bend, Oregon ran that ad on Instagram live and YouTube. They even had a watch party at the store that people could come to. To show they’re serious about their commitment, you can also rent the ad on VHS from them. That got them national media coverage.

#3 – BREAKING: The NOTAM in Place Over Lake Michigan Has Been Pulled, Few Details Available — by Nick Arama
It is still unclear what the original NOTAM was for, but there currently still appear to be planes in the area.
The NOTAM was originally put in place for “national defense” reasons, although those reasons were never specified.

#4 – No, Slaves Didn’t Build This Country — by Brandon Morse
First things first, we need to torpedo this idea that slaves built this country. While it’d be unrealistic to say they weren’t a part of the nation’s development, putting them as the prime constructors of an entire nation is like saying the guy who crafted the axle at the car factory built your vehicle. He was definitely a part of it, but he hardly gets to take full credit.
So many kinds of people came to the new world and worked their own land, built their own towns, and established their own societies without the help of slaves. For one, the Trans-Atlantic slave trade transported well over 12 million slaves, but only a little over 300,000 made their way into the United States. This didn’t happen all at once. Slavery did officially begin in 1619, but it began with just over 20 slaves.
To think that over the course of time that singular group of people built an entire nation — even a burgeoning one — by themselves is the height of fantasy. Especially as you continue to plug in the numbers.
#5 – I’ll Say It: That Was One of the Worst Calls in Super Bowl History, and It Handed Chiefs the Lombardi Trophy — by Bob Hoge
Let’s be real: this happens on almost every NFL play in every game from the preseason to the Big Game. He did not appear to slow down Schuster in the slightest, and his hand placement seemed inadvertent. In short, his admission does not change my view that this should not have determined the outcome of the game.
I’m far from alone in my criticism. Said former NFL punter and podcast host Pat McAfee:
“That ref making that holding call at that time at that stage at that game? Super Bowl? Huh? Huh?!…” he said. “Hey refs – can’t f—ing call that there. Okay? It’s not about you. Now was there a hold? I guess. If you stop and go frame by frame, he had his hands on him, but nonetheless, at that stage? Come on! we were robbed of a potential overtime game in the Super Bowl!”