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PJ Media
PJ Media
31 Aug 2024
Victoria Taft

NextImg:West Coast, Messed Coast™ — Hollywood's October Surprises

Instead of unconvincing appeals to faithless electors or conducting a Zoom choir of somewhat recognizable actors murdering a song from a favorite movie of yore, West Coast, Messed Coast's™ Hollywood left is back to its old tricks and cueing up another in-kind donation for one candidate and an October Surprise for another. You'll never guess which one. I kid. 

Plus, San Fran Nan, as Fox host Laura Ingraham affectionately calls her, has spilled the beans on the Democrats' open border end game.

Hollywood's entry into the October Surprise sweepstakes is a hit piece on Donald Trump and we all know how shocking that revelation is. 

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"The Apprentice" made its debut at the Cannes Film Festival but just nailed down an American distributor to make sure it debuts in October mere days before the election. A full-on campaign is being run to capture as many awards as possible—and an election.

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Domestic rights for the film were originally won by Dan Snyder, yes, that Dan Snyder, the billionaire former Washington Redskins Commanders TBD owner. When he saw that it was a hit job—not that it was hard to predict, since it was written by a couple of Vanity Fair reporters—he "sought to block its release; and the Trump campaign issued legal threats to potential distributors."

     Related: West Coast, Messed Coast™—Kommie Kamala's Border Disaster Edition

It's coming out anyway, of course, as you can read in one of my pieces nearby.

A CNN political analyst is behind a new hagiographic documentary about Democrat presidential nominee, Kamala Harris. It will debut in October, just in time for the election, according to an exclusive report in The Hollywood Reporter. 

Among the producers is CNN analyst Bakari Sellers, who was once the youngest member of the South Carolina state legislature and is friends with Harris. First-time directors Zakir and Pizarro are producing the short with Wendy Pizarro.

You will absolutely love what the producer, Gerard Pizarro, promises with "Kamala." 

“This film is about more than Kamala’s political journey — it’s about her humanity," producer, Gerard Pizarro enthuses. "It’s about the joyous warrior she is, fighting for the well-being of all people,” he said. 

The film will start in some theaters in October and then after that? It's believed it may be on video on demand streaming, or, hey, maybe a continuous loop on CNN, just like the SeaWorld hit pic, "Blackfish." 

We wonder if they'll include Kamala's stint at McDonald's in this documentary.

Kamala has bragged since 2019, while surrounded by purple-shirted SEIU members, that in college "I did fries and then I did the cashier" as "a student when I was working in a McDonalds" in the Bay Area. She attended Howard University in Washington, D.C. 

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Her job at McDonald's was a touchstone of her story at the Democratic National Convention. It was mentioned multiple times by speakers and media hagiographers, including the New York Times and Washington Post.

     Related: West Coast, Messed Coast™: Hey Hollywood, How's That Defund the Police Thing Working Out for You?

The Washington Free Beacon chased down the story and found that her multiple biographers and Kamala's own two political memoirs, her best friend's memoir, and Kamala's own book about her prosecutor career never mentioned her heroic stint at Mcdonald's where "I did fries and then I did the cashier." 

Harris’s work at McDonald’s, which allegedly took place at a franchise in the California Bay Area the summer after her freshman year in college, is a recent addition to her carefully curated life story. 

She didn't mention it until she ran for president in 2019 and was surrounded by the SEIU union thugs.

But here's the biggest tell from the Free Beacon's deep dive into Kamala's McDonald's career. 

The Free Beacon also obtained a copy of Harris’s October 1987 job application for a law clerk position in the Alameda County district attorney’s office. On that form, Harris, who was in law school at the time, listed several jobs—including a month-long clerical job at a stock brokerage—in a section that asked her to list every position she held in the last 10 years. McDonald’s is absent.

And, unlike Barack Obama's Baskin Robbins career, nobody remembers working with her. 

Our sister publication Twitchy did a hilarious treatment of the story.

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Elon Musk highlighted this story about Nancy Pelosi giving away the game about immigration. 

TV host Bill Maher asked the open borders supporter why the state of California plans to give away $150,000 to illegal aliens to buy houses:

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They're paying illegal aliens to come to the country and, as Musk noted, "importing voters. It's as simple as that." 

Seattle's University of Washington has so far remained mum about a complaint about one of its well-known alums being a proven plagiarist. 

PJ Media's Ben Bartee reported this week that the author of "White Fragility" plagiarized parts of her thesis to "earn" her "Ph.D. in multicultural education." 

I was under the impression that plagiarizing anyone regardless of their color was wrong, but apparently, in our wonderful post-racist utopia, the caveat only applies to BIPOCs.

It wouldn't be such a deliciously ironic story had not DiAngelo made such a big deal about how white people routinely cite scholars of color without citing them. 

She did wholesale rip-offs of Asian scholars without citation for her thesis. 

Former Bremerton, WA. high school football coach, Joe Kennedy will get paid for Bremerton High School violating his God-given civil rights for having the temerity to pray by himself on the field after games. He was fired. 

The former Marine and assistant coach found a friend in the lawyers at First Liberty Counsel where they took the case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and won. 

In the ensuing years, the district has fought the $1.7 million dollar settlement. This week, another state appeals panel ruled the school couldn't force its insurance company to pay.

Kennedy moved from the West Coast, Messed Coast™ to the free state of Florida where God isn't a swear word. 

     Related: West Coast, Messed Coast™ — Dining, Dashing, and Abortion Doulas Edition

Our colleagues at Bearing Arms remind us about how universal background checks (read gun owner lists) mean nothing to criminals. 

Six Lake Elsinore bad guys stole cars and rammed them through the doors and windows of Southern California gun shops.

Federal authorities say the heist was the first in a series that netted the thieves more than 300 guns, which were then sold on the black market.
Six men have since been charged with conspiracy to steal firearms from the premises of a federal firearms licensee, the U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles announced Tuesday. The targeted businesses were in Ventura, Orange, Riverside and San Diego counties, with the most recent incident reported Saturday at Fowler Gun Room in Orange, where 70 firearms were stolen.

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Have a lovely Labor Day holiday where most of your PJ Media folks will be working! Until next time, get outside!