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PJ Media
PJ Media
25 Mar 2023
Robert Spencer

NextImg:Was He Looking for a Job From Biden? 65-year-old 'Baby' Busted for Stealing Diapers

How insane is our society today? How much does it encourage and even glorify what any other society would readily identify as mental illness? A recent case in the sleepy town of Clarkson, N.Y., gives an indication of how far we’ve fallen: a 65-year-old man has been arrested there for breaking into several day centers. He wasn’t looking for cash; he was looking for diapers, which he wanted to wear in order to assume the identity of a baby girl. There have always been severely deluded, mentally ill people like this poor man; only in our day, however, would such a man likely be told that his best path to “mental health” would be to indulge his delusions.

Rochester, N.Y.’s WHAM reported Thursday that Daniel Seeler, who is eligible to receive Social Security checks, “allegedly entered a Clarkson daycare center while it was closed, stole diapers and formula, and left notes behind indicating he wanted to pretend to be a baby girl.” This particularly revealing (and revolting) drama of our times began back on Jan. 30, when Jennifer Price, the director of Inspire! Learning and Childcare in Clarkson, informed the cops that one of her employees had found $120 inside the center, along with a note. The note asked whether or not Inspire! had adult-sized diapers on site, and asked the staff to “play along.”

Price says that when they found the money and the note, they immediately called the cops and installed a surveillance camera. Whoever was breaking in, however, was undeterred: the following Monday, center employees found another note making the same request, along with $200. On Feb. 11, Price “arrived at the center to find someone had gone through children’s diaper bins and left another note and money.” This time, “the note included sizes for pants, shoes, bras and dresses, with the man indicating he liked to play as a baby girl and called himself ‘Baby Danielle.’”

This well-adjusted fellow was caught the following week. The center’s security system was activated on Feb. 18, and Price saw “surveillance video showing a man playing with diapers and piecing them together to make a bigger one. She said the man went into the bathroom, pulled his pants down, put the diaper on and then put his pants over it before running out of the building. She said she later found someone drank half of a bottle of formula, used a bib and stole three diapers.” Seeler ran out of the center, but police were waiting and they arrested him.

The cops say that Seeler “fully admitted his involvement, and said he was working through addiction.” That’s good to know, and we can all hope that he will be able to overcome what is tormenting him and leading him to these self-destructive actions. But it’s noteworthy that he thought that the people at the daycare center might play along in the first place. He may have been banking on the likelihood that they were woke enough to think that any kind of delusion and madness regarding gender was a welcome expression of his true self, and that therefore they would be only too glad to help him realize what he thought was his real identity.

Related: Tanzanian Fashion Designer Accuses Sam Brinton, Biden’s Ex-Nuclear Waste Chief, of Stealing Her Luggage — and She Has Proof

And indeed, the Left has galloped so far into madness that it’s hard to know where to draw the line of sanity between someone like Daniel Seeler and, say, Sam Brinton, to say nothing of Rachel Levine. Is it the difference between expressing one’s delusions in creepy and criminal activity as opposed to doing so in an up-front, open, honest, and legal manner? That would be tough to sustain: after all, Brinton, deputy assistant secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the U.S. Department of Energy, has now been arrested not once, but twice for stealing women’s luggage from airport baggage claim areas, and has been accused of a third offense.

The unpleasant reality is that the only difference between Brinton and Seeler is that Seeler hasn’t come to the attention of the Biden administration, and so he isn’t Secretary of State Baby Danielle or Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair General Baby Danielle today. We now have a wildly absurd society in which such fantasies are celebrated, and those who indulge them are praised as courageous. Daniel Seeler just didn’t get the breaks Sam Brinton and Rachel Levine got. Maybe once he clears up his legal difficulties in New York state, Seeler should head to Washington, where he is likely to find a much more welcoming environment for his proclivities.