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PJ Media
PJ Media
2 Dec 2023
Matt Margolis

NextImg:Speaker Johnson: We Have The Votes to Launch Full Impeachment Inquiry into Joe Biden

Despite months of investigations uncovering the secrets of the Biden Crime Family, a full-fledge impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden has been in doubt, as several Republicans have expressed reluctance to move forward with an inquiry, claiming, among other things, that not enough evidence has been uncovered yet.

Well, I guess enough wobbly Republicans have become convinced by the evidence because, according to House Speaker Mike Johnson, the GOP appears to have the votes to launch a formal inquiry.

“I believe we will,” Johnson said during an interview on "Fox & Friends Weekend" on Fox News. “I suspect no Democrats will assist in this effort, but they should.”

Johnson argued that the inquiry is a "necessary step" and that he thinks it is "something we have to do at this juncture."

"Elise [Stefanik] and I both served on the impeachment defense team of Donald Trump twice when the Democrats used it for brazen, partisan political purposes," Johnson explained. "We decried that use of it. This is very different. Remember, we are the rule-of-law team. We have to do it very methodically."

   Related: Democrats Know the Evidence Against Joe Biden Is Solid

Upon winning the majority in the House, Republicans swiftly started investigating allegations of bribery and influence-peddling by Joe Biden, which has financially benefited him and his family. The House Oversight Committee has been uncovering a trove of evidence against Joe Biden over the past few months, including a network of Biden family shell companies used to launder foreign payments, an unclassified FBI document detailing how Joe Biden and his son Hunter “coerced” Burisma co-founder and CEO Mykola Zlochevsky to pay them a $10 million bribe, incriminating text messages, wire transfers from Communist China to Joe Biden's home, and so much more.

Recent polling shows that increasing numbers of Americans have become convinced that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden did something illegal in connection with Hunter’s foreign business dealings. A Fox News poll from October showed a significant increase in the percentage of people who believe Hunter Biden may have engaged in illegal activities related to his business dealings in Ukraine and China since last year, going from 39% in December 2022 to 52% now. This shift is noticeable across the political spectrum, with independents (+18 points), Democrats (+13), and Republicans (+11) all becoming more likely to suspect Hunter of criminal behavior since December of last year. Thus, an impeachment inquiry, though it may help unify Democrats behind Joe Biden, it is also a political problem for Joe Biden, as Americans are already convinced that he was involved in influence-peddling and bribery schemes. A public airing of the evidence against him may not result in his conviction by the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate, but it could further damage Biden before the presidential election next year.

"Our three committees of jurisdiction—Judicial, Oversight, Ways and Means—have been doing an extraordinary job following the evidence where it leads," Johnson continued. "But now we're being stonewalled by the White House, because they're preventing at least two to three DOJ witnesses from coming forward—a former White House counsel, the national archives...the White House has withheld thousands of pages of evidence."